Books & How to Find Them
Whether you are a student, a parent, or an educator, we want to connect you to books, both traditional and electronic. We have a number of ways to do that. Take a look at the options!

Librarians are on hand to help. Tell us what kind of books you have read and enjoyed. We will use the information you give us to send back customized book suggestions made just for you!

The Global Stories Project highlights diverse traditions, families, and experiences. Multicultural stories reflect our global similarities, while opening doors to new cultures. Check out our Global Stories Book Bundles to learn how kids around the world play, learn, eat, dress, and fill their days. Peruse our ever-growing Global Stories Pinterest board. Enjoy stories told in different languages by community members at our First Saturday Readalouds.

LEVELED READERS (click to learn more)
To help kids and their grown-ups find just the right reading materials, our library has designated four levels of early readers. Based on the language, content and format of each book, we assign four groupings:
For your convenience, we also have created "Power of Reading" kits, sets of five paperback readers prepackaged in color-coded vinyl envelopes for you to borrow.
If your child wants to read above or below their level, let them! Many easy books are still fun to read, and trying a harder book can be rewarding too!
Leveled Beginning Reader Book Lists Clicking book covers on these Pinterest boards links back to our catalog.

The Children’s library is happy to announce a newly enhanced collect of books for kids in Spanish: picture books, graphic novels, chapter books and nonfiction. For adult books in Spanish click here.
La Biblioteca Infantil y Juvenil se complace en anunciar una colección recientemente mejorada de libros para niños en español: libros ilustrados, novelas gráficas, libros de capítulos, y libros de no ficción. Para libros para adultos en español, por favor haga clic aquí.

The Library offers many different sources of electronic books for Kids and Teens. You can view all of the opportunities on our e-Content page.
The Children’s Library has pre-loaded kindles available for check-out. Kids kindle titles include OBOB titles from years past, along with award winners and other great reads. The Teen kindle titles include Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) raves, Printz award winners, OBOB selections and more. You can place holds on our Kindles in the catalog. Just search for Kindle and limit to Lake Oswego Public Library.

We have curated Pinterest pages that feature boards (book lists) on many different reading levels, genres, types of books, and subject matter. There is something for everyone! The cover image of each book links directly to the item in our library catalog so you can easily place a hold.

Get started on the reading journey with your child by becoming part of our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. It’s easy and so doable! We’ll provide the support along the way with a book tote, log sheets, early literacy information, prizes, and tips for reaching the 1000 book goal.