About the Project
The project will rebuild Lakeview Boulevard from South Shore Boulevard to Iron Mountain Boulevard, within the existing public right-of-way.
When construction is complete, the corridor will feature:
- A new sidewalk, curb, and gutter on the north side of Lakeview Boulevard between South Shore Boulevard and the Goodin easement (3050 Lakeview Boulevard).
- A new highly visible crosswalk and parking reconfigurations at the Lake Grove swim park.
- A new stormwater conveyance and treatment system, including stormwater pipe and catch basins, along with an underground stormwater treatment system near the swim park.
- Reconstructed pavement between South Shore Boulevard and Iron Mountain Boulevard, including the railroad crossing.
Background and Purpose
The purpose of the project is to:
- reduce localized stormwater ponding,
- improve the driving surface and
- provide a safer pedestrian passage.
Lakeview Boulevard needs stormwater management improvements due to ponding water during rainfall events. The roadway corridor was built before modern stormwater systems and regulations were standard. Runoff is currently mostly managed by shoulder infiltration and a few stormwater drains that direct water into the lake. Treating stormwater runoff helps to meet compliance requirements of the City’s stormwater permit (issued by the Department of Environmental Quality) and improves the quality of the runoff that is directed into Oswego Lake.
The project also includes roadway rehabilitation and pedestrian improvements to provide better access for all transport modes.
Lakeview Boulevard is very narrow. We will be balancing stormwater management needs, travel safety and pedestrian accessibility, neighbor desires for parking, compatible landscaping, mature tree preservation, and more.
Project Goals
- Reducing stormwater ponding and standing water on the roadway
- Improving access for people walking, rolling or riding
- Updating the pathway to be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant
- Keeping the lake cleaner by filtering the road's stormwater runoff
- Providing a newly paved surface
- Design - 2023 - 2024
- Construction - 2025
As the project progresses, design materials and maps will be posted on the website, along with periodic updates and opportunities for public input.