Project Updates

January 13, 2024

On January 7, the City Council awarded a public improvement contract to Knife River for construction of the project. Major construction is expected to begin in February and continue through late 2025.

What to Expect During Construction

Preliminary utility relocation work, utility locates, and exploratory digging for NW Natural, PGE, and telecommunications companies may start in mid-late January. This is to avoid conflicts with the planned project improvements.

Major construction is expected to begin in February, including equipment mobilization and set up, tree removal, preparing areas for excavation, and stormwater pipe work.

Unfortunately, construction will be disruptive, especially to those nearest the work. There will be times where multiple crews are working along the corridor – not just Knife River as the general contractor, but subcontractors (pipe and concrete crews) and utility companies. For more information about what to expect during construction, please review the factsheet.

Traffic Changes and Delays

There will be intermittent lane closures, temporary one-way traffic on Lakeview Boulevard, and at times, there will be a full road closure between Summit Drive and Iron Mountain Boulevard.

During construction, the traveling public should expect major traffic delays, plan ahead for extra travel time, or use alternate routes around the project area.

We appreciate all neighbors abiding by traffic control signage and avoiding active construction areas for the safety of all. If you have a special access need we should be aware of, please contact us.

How to Stay Updated

We will strive to keep community members aware of the ever-changing construction activities throughout the project via regular emails and posting updates on the project webpage.

If you live on Lakeview Boulevard, please provide your email/phone number to our project team so we can reach you. 

December 26, 2024

Bids have been received from contractors and the City intends to award a contract to Knife River at the January 7 City Council Meeting.

You are invited to meet the contractor and learn more about what to expect with upcoming construction, traffic impacts, and view the final design plans. 

Please join us:

Tuesday, January 28, 2024
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
LO Maintenance Center, Willow Room
17601 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego

There will be a brief presentation at the beginning of the meeting, followed by a Q+A session, and an opportunity to meet the project team. We hope to see you there!

December 2024

Final design is now complete and the City is requesting bids from contractors. The project will rebuild Lakeview Boulevard, between South Shore Boulevard and Iron Mountain Boulevard.

To view the final designs, click here.

Once a contractor is hired, the project team plans to hold a "Meet the Contractor" meeting to share the final plans and discuss what to expect during the construction phase. This meeting is expected to be held in late January 2025. 

Construction is expected to start in February (at the earliest) and continue through 2025. During construction, the traveling public should expect major traffic delays, plan for extra travel time, or use alternate routes around the project area. There will be multiple traffic shifts and temporary traffic revisions, including intermittent lane closures and one-way traffic on Lakeview Boulevard.

More information will be provided shortly, once a contractor is on board. 

June 2024

The City and project team continues to make progress on developing designs for the project.

Since the community meetings held in 2023, one significant change to the design is the way the roadway grade is reconstructed. At the September meeting, the concept was to have the pavement crowned allowing stormwater to flow into a small gutter on the southern side/lake side of the roadway. This has changed, so the new roadway pavement will shed to the northern side/railroad side where the new sidewalk will be. Stormwater will be captured by the curb and gutter, then transferred to the new stormwater system.

Request for Contact Information

There are several locations along Lakeview Boulevard where we need to reconnect or regrade driveways to meet up with the new roadway improvements. We may need to meet with some property owners to discuss these connections this summer. Please reach out to provide your email address and/or phone number where we can best reach you, and keep you updated during the construction phase. 

Next Steps 

Final design is expected to be complete in late 2024, followed by advertising bids for contractors in early 2025. Construction is expected to start in spring/summer 2025.

Once designs are finalized and we are getting ready to go out to bid the project, we intend to hold another open house/community meeting to share the final designs and discuss the construction phase. This is expected to be held sometime in late 2024.  

January 2024

Design work continues on the improvements for Lakeview Boulevard. The project team is expecting to review 60% design plans in February 2024. Final design is expected to be complete in late 2024, followed by advertising bids for contractors in early 2025. Construction is expected to start in spring/summer 2025. 

October 2023

On October 3, 2023, project staff presented an update to City Council and asked Council to approve continuing with final design for the project. Here is a link to the Council Report

The report includes an overview of the community outreach, input from residents, and how that has helped shape the early design concepts. The report outlines that based on the community feedback and engineering analysis, staff developed a design concept that keeps all currently available parking spaces along Lakeview Blvd., constructs an ADA compliant sidewalk between South Shore Blvd and the Goodin Easements, introduces a crosswalk at the swim park, provides a complete stormwater management system, and reconstructs the roadway. 

During early design, there was feedback from residents about how to complete the sidewalk from the Goodin Easement to the Iron Mountain roundabout. This included the use of retaining walls on the north/west side and/or a cantilevered sidewalk above the steep slope on the east side. There are several constraints in this area that make either of these approaches highly infeasible including an estimated cost exceeding the total project budget for just the sidewalk, significant relocation of overhead utilities, the required removal of several mature trees, and the steepening of private driveways, amongst others.

While the ideal solution of a full sidewalk through the curved section of Lakeview, from the Goodin Easement to the Iron Mountain roundabout was found to be infeasible, the design team is proposing some smaller scale solutions that can improve the current conditions. These include trimming vegetation, possible removal of roadside hazards, and adding signage and pavement markings.

At the meeting, Council approved the City to proceed with developing final designs for the project as outlined in the report. 

September, 2023

We held our second community meeting on September 19 to discuss preliminary project designs and seek feedback from the community. Thank you for your continued interest and involvement!

A presentation was held at the meeting. Community input on the current concepts will help us move forward with designs. A meeting summary will be posted here shortly. 

Staff will presenting an update to City Council to move forward with designs in October 2023. 

August 11, 2023

We last held an open house in June 2023 and gathered valuable feedback from the community on what we should consider. Thank you for your continued interest and involvement!

Please join us at a community meeting to learn more about preliminary project designs, talk to the project team, and provide feedback:

Meeting Date and Time: Tuesday, September 19 | 6:30-8 p.m.
Location: Lake Oswego Maintenance Center, Willow Room | 17601 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego 

A presentation will take place at the beginning of the meeting, followed by group discussions.

Maps and revised graphics will be on display at the meeting. Community input on the current concepts will help us move forward with designs.

May 22, 2023

Please join us at the project’s first Open House on Tuesday, June 13 to provide input on preliminary concepts and share your feedback.

Meeting Date and Time: Tuesday, June 13 from 6-7:30 p.m.
Location: Lake Oswego Maintenance Center (Willow Room) | 17601 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego

Maps and initial concept graphics of the corridor will be on display at the open house. Community input on the concepts will help the City and project team move forward with designs. 

March 20, 2023

The project team will host public open houses to ask for community input as the design progresses over the coming year. We plan to share draft concepts and designs with you at events this spring and fall. More details will be shared soon! 

January 6, 2023

Underground utility locates are being marked in the City’s right-of-way so the design team can begin with their initial survey and geotechnical investigation efforts. Beginning this month, crews may be taking photos, surveying the area for elevation and locations of utilities, mapping and accessing the health of trees, installing groundwater monitors, undertaking geotechnical investigations and pavement testing, and gathering other information to inform the early stages of design work and future construction. Most of the preliminary work is expected to take a few months to complete, although some follow-up visits throughout 2023 may be needed.

Neighbors may notice the following:

  • Survey crews will be conducting field work predominantly in the public right-of-way, but at times, may need to access private properties to verify property corners and monument markers. Crews will door knock residences, or leave door hangers where they need to access private properties.
  • A few intermittent lane closures may occur during the daytime while crews install groundwater monitors or conduct exploratory digging. Flaggers or signage will direct drivers or assist local neighbors with access.
  • Trees may be flagged during survey work. We will be looking at how to minimize impact to trees and will have an arborist working with the team.
  • Underground utilities will be marked on the street with paint. Paint marks will disappear over time.
  • Wooden stakes with flags might be left at some places along the project area. These may indicate the public right-of-way, drainage issues, or other considerations. Please do not remove or adjust the stakes.

December 20, 2022

Preliminary work is expected to begin in the next few weeks along Lakeview Boulevard. Underground utilities will be marked in the City’s right-of-way so the design team can begin with their initial survey efforts. Paint marks will disappear over time. Wooden stakes with flags might be left at some places along the project area. These may indicate the public right-of-way, drainage issues, or other considerations. Please do not remove the stakes.

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