Lake Oswego Public Library offers the following accommodations for patrons so that we can be a place where every person feels safe, welcomed, supported, and included.
The City of Lake Oswego is committed to not discriminating against individuals with disabilities in our services, programs or activities.
The library offers a full range of vision assistance services including accessible reading materials and assistive technology.
We provide support services and physical devices to enhance the experience of people with hearing impairment.
We offer accessible features throughout the library building for patrons with mobility issues. Specialized mobility and dexterity support is also available upon request.
The library provides delivery and pickup assistance and a range of online and remote access support.
Assisting patrons with learning disabilities fosters a more inclusive and supportive community environment and ensures that all patrons have equal access to information and resources.

In addition to the accommodations and assistance that the library already provides, we are happy to provide further accommodations upon request.
You may use the City of Lake Oswego's Accommodation Request form to ask for services such as:
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations:
- Wheelchair Accessibility
- Sign Language Interpreters
- Accessible Formats
- Accessible Technology
- Accessible Parking
Title VI Translation/Interpretation Services:
- Language Interpretation
- Document Translation
- Cultural Competency Training
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging