Grand Unveiling Celebration

Saturday, November 18, 2017 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Grand Unveiling - Behind the Scenes

10:15 a.m. Ribbon Cutting and Balloon Drop


Please join us for refreshments and activities on every floor.

Main Floor

Tour the back room and observe the new Automated Materials Handling machine in action. Tours happening every ten minutes.

Enjoy the sounds of live music from the Millennium Clarinets.

Watch the 3D printer create a surprise before your very eyes!

Sound Off: Which Sounds Better? You be the judge! Listen to and compare the same record on vinyl and CD and decide for yourself.

Be the first to purchase the new LOPL foldable bag for sale at a special discount today of $5.

Try out the new Self-Checkout Machines. Experience the ease of use of these new, high-tech machines.

Visit the new Brian Doyle Garden and reading area.

Second Floor

Check out the microfilm reader machine and get a printout of the front page of The Oregonian on your birth day.

Play the Exquisite Corpse Game! We will create a story together, by taking a turn typing one line each on the typewriter.

Take a tour of the Local History Department.

Learn about e-books and our Kindle lending program. Bring in your devices and get set up with our downloadable materials.

Listen to the Oral History Program recordings.


Meet Elephant and Piggie! Come give your favorite characters a hug and get a Polaroid picture with them.

Join us in creating an Elephant and Piggie craft.

Create fun shapes using the die cut machine.



Be the first to purchase the new Lake Oswego Library foldable bag at a special discount price of $5, only on 11/18

Lake Oswego Public Library
706 4th St
Lake Oswego, OR 97034