Mobile Devices Basic Tech Help

Thursday, January 25, 2018 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Book a Librarian in January!

Thursday, January 25, 10 am-12 pm OR Monday, January 29, 2-4 pm

Meet one-on-one with a librarian for help finding answers to your specific technology questions. Call the reference desk at 503-675-2540 and sign up for a 30-minute appointment to get assistance with:

Borrowing Library e-books, e-audiobooks, and magazines

Using the Library’s online resources

Other computer or technology-related questions, such as laptop/mobile device basics, Microsoft Office, Google Drive, Internet searching, and social media.

Don't forget your fully charged device and any cables you might need.  Also make sure to bring all usernames and passwords that you will need to access your devices and accounts during the session. Please note that we cannot help with hardware maintenance or performance issues, including computer viruses.