Online Resources

Explore top-rated online resources for Libraries in Clackamas County (LINCC) card holders.

Lake Oswego Library card holders also enjoy special access to additional databases, newspaper subscriptions, and online courses.

See information and guidance on how to access our online resources below:

Stack of books with a phone propped against it with the Libby app icon and a pair of nearby earbuds

Popular Online Resources

Access thousands of e-books and audiobooks with Libby, stream free movies with Kanopy, and gain FREE admission to a number of local venues and experiences with the Cultural Pass program.

tiny white square

Research Databases

Research your family tree with Ancestry Library Edition, do academic research with Gale Databases, use Consumer Reports, or do business research with Reference Solutions and Value Line.

NOTE:  We are currently experiencing login issues with Ancestry.  We are working with the vendor to resolve the problem and restore access as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

Newspapers and Local News Resources

Enjoy full access to The New York Times for 72 hours. Read current and back issues of The Oregonian, LO Review and more.

Person pressing finger to tablet with lines drawn around it to look techy

Online Courses

Lake Oswego Public Library patrons have free access to Creativebug crafting classes, the Mango Languages app, and professional development courses through LinkedIn Learning.

Young girl with curly hair at a desk with a laptop smiling

eContent for Kids & Teens

We also have an assortment of library and county-funded special resources to provide kids and teens with quality electronic books, audiobooks, and research information. 

Contact Information

Need help? If you would like to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a librarian to help you set up or use these services, please call the Reference Desk at 503-675-2540 or fill out a Tech Help Request form.

Resource Links

LINCC Online Resources Directory

Access World News


Consumer Reports


Gale General OneFile

Gale Literary Biography

Gale Literature Criticism

Lake Oswego Review


Mango Languages

New York Times

Oregon News Source

The Oregonian

Reference Solutions

USA Today

Value Line