Third Tuesday Author: Norma Heyser
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Tuesday, June 19, 7pm
Join local author and artist Norma Heyser for a presentation of her latest work Little Body Book: Every Human Body is a Work of Art.
Norma Heyser was born in Portland in 1933.
Her record of journaling spans 50 years. The Lake Oswego Review has published her Citizen Comments, Letters to the Editor, and Jottings since the 1960s.
After attending the University of Oregon and graduating from The Museum Art School in 1953, she became identified as an Oregon Modernist, artist. She married Ron Peterson in 1956 with whom she helped raise two sons while being active citizen leaders in the community and First Addition Neighborhood. A fourth generation Lake Oswegan, she moved to Garden Home in 2013.