Exhibits Around Lake Oswego

View displays related to the 10th annual Lake Oswego Reads program through the months of January and February. Original art work from artists of all ages, genuine Edward Curtis photographs, Pendleton blankets and more! Displays will be up at the Library, the Oswego Heritage House, and Parks & Rec Building, formerly Palisades School.

Displays in January and February at Lake Oswego Public Library

The Library's stairway gallery and checkout desk will showcase Edward Curtis photographs from a Lake Oswego resident's private collection. In February, written reflections on the photographs will be posted by students from Lake Oswego High School.

Pendleton Blankets

Pendleton Blankets will be hung and displayed throughout the library during the months of January and February.

Art Work from 8th Grade Literacy Art Project -
February at Parks & Recreation Palisades

In January, Lake Oswego eighth-graders will study the Art of Westward Expansion in Art Literacy, examining how 19th century American paintings dramatized the grandeur of the West and catalogued changes to the land and its native inhabitants, wrought by settlement, including Edward Curtis’ photographs.  Lakeridge Junior High students will create postcards in the style of Charles Russell and Lake Oswego Junior High students will create pastel landscapes inspired by Albert Bierstadt.  These works will be on display during February at Palisades School.

Edward Curtis Photographs on Loan from A6 -
February at Oswego Heritage House

This exhibit presents original vintage photographic prints by one of the most ambitious artists of the last century, Edward Curtis. Curtis spent 30 years seeking out, photographing, and documenting native tribes across the American West, British Columbia and Alaska. See dozens of prints and attend Saturday tours. Photography prints will be available for purchase.

Oswego Heritage House: Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm; Saturday 1-4pm
Tours: Saturday 1:30 pm and 2:45 pm