February 14: Lake Oswego Reads Bike Ride
Saturday, February 14th - 9:00 am at Lake Oswego Public Library
Join Police Chief Don Johnson, former Mayor Jack Hoffman and Rian Lasley from the Bike Gallery on our novel-inspired bike ride from the Library to St. Honore and then to Jefe Mex, and back again to the Library. Also riding will be members of Sorella Forte, the women's bike team sponsored by St. Honore.
This journey is the vicarious reliving of Marie-Laure’s mission of subterfuge and resistance. You are more than welcome to pretend you’re carrying a top secret missive in a loaf of bread. But don’t become too involved in this re-creation! We all wish to empathize with Marie-Laure and experience her struggle, but no one wants to see you biking with your eyes closed. Registration required: 503-675-2538 or cglazer@ci.oswego.or.us.
Reference the documents on this page to show the route and the registration form.