Our Self-Identity and Our Life - 2/26
Throughout our lives, our identities change. One minute we are a teenager, then a spouse, next a parent and before we realize it we are retired. Although at times we may take these identities for granted, each one shapes us in ways that can affect our self-esteem as we change. AM Northwest’s Marriage and Family Therapist, Kelly Hoffman, will provide us tools to navigate through these changes and provide insight into the evolution of our self-identity. Monday, February 26, 7-8:30pm. Sponsored by the Adult Community Center.
Kelly Hoffman has been a regular guest on ABC TV's AM Northwest for over 10 years. “I have helped many people "stop doing stuff that doesn't work and start doing the stuff that does’,” she says. "I have always been fascinated by what motivates people, what promotes happiness, and how individual, real people can do life better."
She has a B.A. from Wellesley College as well as a M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy and a M.A. in Family Recreation from Brigham Young University.