Salmon Bake with Native American Music & Dance - 2/26 SOLD OUT

Friday, February 26, 2016 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

SOLD OUT! Northwest Salmon will be prepared in the traditional Salmon bake style – whole salmon threaded on sticks and cooked vertically over an open fire pit by Fred Broadwater and family. (Contact: Broadwater Salmon  Side dishes by The Stafford: Indian Fry Bread with honey butter, Garden Salad, Willapa Bay Oyster Dressing, Roasted Vegetables and salmon wedges.  Dessert: cupcakes from Lake Oswego Women's Club. . Traditional and contemporary Native American dance and music by Painted Sky/Northstar Dance Company will also be performed along with demonstration of Ravenstail weaving and Chilkat weaving. Co-sponsored by Lake Oswego Women’s Club, $10 per person, under age 6 are free.

Purchase tickets after January 4 at the Library or Parks & Recreation office.  Cash or check only.  No refunds.  Limited space.


Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation
505 G Ave.
Lake Oswego, OR 97034