SOLD OUT! Mexican Cooking Demo: Soup to Sweets - 2/23

Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 1:00pm

Join cooking instructor Edurne Garcia-Andre who was born in San Miguel de Allende, as she shares her knowledge and passion for Mexican food. The menu will include Tarascan soup, Horchata water, Bunuelos and cinnamon tea. This will be a combination demonstration and hands-on class. SOLD OUT! Register and prepay $5 at the Library as space is limited. 706 4th St.

Chamber of Commerce Office, 459 Third St., 1 pm

Edurne Garcia-Andre was born and raised in the small colonial town of San Miguel de Allende, located in central Mexico.  In Mexico City, she studied the history of pre-Hispanic foods and ingredients as well as basic and advanced techniques of French cooking.  She has lived in Guatemala, Argentina, Bermuda, and Austria and now calls Vancouver, WA home.  She has worked in many different capacities during her travels but sharing her knowledge of food has been a constant theme.  She now teaches cooking classes at Clark Community College as well as Portland Community College.  Edurne’s culinary background is influenced by her native Mexico, her mother’s Basque heritage, and from all of the countries she has lived in.

Chamber of Commerce
459 3rd Street
Lake Oswego, OR 97034