Would You Know What to Do During and After a Catastrophe? - 2/24

Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

A catastrophic event has happened in Good Morning, Midnight.  This is a reminder to be prepared.  Chief Larry Goff of the Lake Oswego Fire Department will talk about what to do before, during and after a disaster.  How will I be able contact my family? How will I get information after a disaster? Who is going help me after a disaster?  What do I need for a disaster supply kit?  Tours of the Lake Oswego Fire Department will also be available. 
February 24, 11 am, Lake Oswego Fire Station, 300 B Avenue

The Lake Oswego Fire Department is a full-service fire department whose mission is to protect and save lives, property, and the environment with dedication, care, and compassion.

The Fire Department provides fire protection, prevention, rescue and emergency medical service to approximately 50,000 citizens living in the City of Lake Oswego, Lake Grove Rural Fire Protection District No. 57, Riverdale Rural Fire Protection District No. 11, and the Alto Park Water District.

The Main Fire Station also houses and provides staffing for the City’s Emergency Operation Center.

In a disaster, local officials and relief workers cannot reach everyone immediately. Help may not arrive for hours or days. You and your family -- and don't forget to include the needs of those with disabilities -- need to be prepared ahead of time because you won't have time to shop or search for the supplies you will need when a disaster strikes.

Most disasters are natural disasters, the result of some force of nature, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods. Some natural disasters can be predicted, such as hurricanes and severe winter storms, while others, such as tornadoes and earthquakes, happen with little or no warning.

Some disasters are the cause of human actions, intentional or unintentional. A disaster plan will help with safety, security, and comfort.

Regardless of the type of disaster, there are things you can do to prepare. Contact your local Red Cross chapter, visit the FEMA Web site, or Ready.gov to make sure you are aware of the potential for natural disasters in your community. After you have identified the types of disasters that could strike where you live, create a family disaster plan that can apply to any type of disaster – natural, unintentional, or intentional.

Prepare an emergency supplies kit.
Disaster can occur suddenly and without warning. They can be frightening for adults, but they are traumatic for children if they don't know what to do when these events occur. Children depend on daily routines. When an emergency disturbs their routine, children can become nervous. In an emergency, they'll look to parents or other adults to help.

How parents react to an emergency gives children an indication on how to act. They see their parents' fear as proof that the danger is real. A parent's response during this time may have a long-term impact. Including children in the family's recovery plans will help them feel that their life will return to normal.

Families should prepare an emergency supplies kit and develop a plan. Practice your plan so that everyone will remember what to do in an emergency. Everyone in the home, including children, should play a part in the family's response and recovery efforts. Remember: make the plan simple so everyone can remember the details.

Lake Oswego Fire Station
300 B Avenue
Lake Oswego, OR 97034