Community Gardens
Luscher Farm Community Gardens: One of Luscher Farm's most popular programs is the Community Gardens! There are over 180 organic garden plots at the picturesque property. Program participants grow fresh organic produce and flowers in their assigned beds. Each gardener is required to provide 4 hours of volunteer service at Luscher Farm during the season. The program is perfect for dedicated gardeners who are willing to spend 5-7 hours per week in their plot throughout the growing season. Plots measure 10'x20' or 20'x 20'. Many gardeners tend to their plots throughout the entire year; however, the growing season is typically March-October. Priority is given to Lake Oswego residents. Fee for 10'x20' participation is $92 for residents/$115 for non-residents. Fee for 20'x20' is $116 for residents/$131 for non-residents.
Enrolling in the Community Garden Program: Luscher is fortunate to have a robust community garden program, and there is a waitlist to participate. Plots are awarded January-March each year based on retention of returning gardeners. Priority is given to Lake Oswego residents. If you are interested in joining the waitlist without charge, please complete the registration through Active with the links below. Participants must sign-in to an existing Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Active account or create a Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Active account in order to join the waitlist.
Resident Request List
Non-resident Request List
Community Gardens Promotional Video: Local schools, garden clubs, merchants, nurseries, civic groups and individuals help make the garden a community gathering place and great source of pride. Close to 2,000 volunteers hours are given to support the community garden every year. For more detailed information regarding the Community Garden Program, you can watch this video.