You Have Received a Citation - What Do You Do Now?
Please allow 7 business days before reaching out to our court staff to discuss your citation. Until the citation is in our court system, we will not be able to help you.
Violations If you have received a citation for a traffic or ordinance violation, one of the first things to do is check the court date and time on the citation. You can appear in court on that date and time or do any of the following options listed prior to the court date and time. Failure to appear can result in additional fines, fees, suspension of your driving privileges and being sent to collections.
If you were cited for Careless Driving with and accident and injury or Minor in Possession of Marijuana or Alcohol all are mandatory appearances, which can result in a suspension of your driving privileges.
Citation Process:
Option 1 provides that you enter a plea of no contest and pay the amount of the presumptive fine stated on your citation. As such, you would no longer need to personally appear on the date given on the citation.
Option 2 Enter a plea of no contest and send/drop off a letter of explanation with the presumptive fine amount enclosed to the court prior to your court date for the Judge to read and make a ruling based on the information you have provided. You will be notified by mail of the Judge's ruling.
Option 3 If you wish to plead not guilty, you can enter a plea at the court office prior to the court date. You can also plead not guilty by clicking on this link: Request for Trial. Trial Requests will need to be filled out in its entirety and submitted to the court prior to our court date and time. Your trial will be set at a later time on a Wednesday morning. You will receive a trial notice by mail and email, if provided, approximately three (3) to four (4) weeks prior to your trial date.
Option 4 Trial by affidavit is not an option in this court.
Fine Amounts/Class Information The fine amounts the violation's bureau (court clerks) can impose are the same as the Judge is allowed by law to impose {Fines}. The state sets maximum and minimum amounts which the court must use. Fines are based on the type of violation and your driving record. Seat belt tickets can be handled by attending a class if it is your first seat belt offense. High school students may appear in court to ask the Judge to attend a driving class if they have no prior offenses. Driving uninsured citations can be dismissed prior to the court date if you can provide valid proof of insurance on the date and time of the offense to the court.
Payment can be made with a VISA, Mastercard, American Express or Discover online or by phone (503-635-0217), by mail or in person. The secure site for online payments and further instructions is located at:
Criminal Charges require an appearance in person on the date and time listed on your citation or release agreement. Failure to appear will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest.
Payment on criminal fines cannot be made online until a payment agreement has been reached.
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