News & Announcements
Monday, May 28
Open again, Tuesday at 10 am
The Drawing Workshop Series will focus on improving drawing skills through observation and technique. Call 503.675.2540 to sign up!
Genealogy enthusiast and librarian Cherill will be available to help you get started on researching your family history and answer your questions about genealogy. Please sign up for a 30 minute session with Cherill by calling the Reference Desk at 503-675-2540.
Tuesday, June 19, 7pm
Join local author and artist Norma Heyser for a presentation of her latest work Little Body Book: Every Human Body is a Work of Art.
Norma Heyser was born in Portland in 1933.
Thursday April 19, 10-11 am. Learn the very basics of how to use Google Drive to create and share documents. Basic computer skills and an existing email address are required. Class size is limited; register by calling 503-675-2540.
Tuesday, April 10, 6-8:30 pm
Stamping expert and enthusiast Linda Dundon will show you how to make custom-designed cards for any occasion.
Genealogy enthusiast and librarian Cherill will be available to help you get started on researching your family history and answer your questions about genealogy. Please sign up for a 30 minute session with Cherill by calling the Reference Desk at 503-675-2540.
Genealogy enthusiast and librarian Cherill will be available to help you get started on researching your family history and answer your questions about genealogy. Please sign up for a 30 minute session with Cherill by calling the Reference Desk at 503-675-2540.
Genealogy enthusiast and librarian Cherill will be available to help you get started on researching your family history and answer your questions about genealogy. Please sign up for a 30 minute session with Cherill by calling the Reference Desk at 503-675-2540.