First of all, thanks to Sid and I think the PAC, given our once a month meeting schedule, will profit immensely from this sharing of resources. Now to discover how to utilize the tools here. I want to send some pictures and hope I can navigate the way to post them here.
(I would want more diverse color in our swales.)
In this next one, I liked the fencing height.
It worked! Glad you can share ideas with each other.
I really like these examples, Mike. The swales on our tours were not very green and seemed weedy and sort of neglected. These are healthy and beautiful. My only concern is for maintenance and effectiveness. If the 10th street project is a sample of how it will be done, then I am skeptical that this could work for LG. Can someone from the City’s Engineering Dept/Maintenance comment on lessons learned and if they would want to see more “green” installations?
I was responding to your comments in apparently another posting site but do not know where it went???
So let me reiterate: The PAC toured these stormwater facilities on 10th and learned that they were seriously compromised in their functionality for treating run-off. So, hopefully, engineering has learned from past experiences (and mistakes) in how to direct
and facilitate systems to effectively treat stormwater. Parts of
10th Street infrastructure just were not designed correctly.
I invite other members to share their perspectives (and pictures of good swales that they have seen that are aesthetic and seem appropriate for our growing sense of Lake Grove identity/theme).