Adult Summer Slow Pitch Softball



Lake Oswego Adult Slow-pitch Softball league offers the opportunity for players of all levels of skill and experience to have a fun space to play ball! Our recreational league runs in the summer and features the following divisions:


Registration OPENS: Tuesday, April 1st


Coed Lower Level (Fridays)

Coed Mid Level (Fridays)

Men's Lower Level (Thursdays)

Men's Mid Level (Wednesdays)

Men's Upper Level (Tuesdays)

Senior League (Mondays)


Men's divisions play double-headers and Coed/Senior divisions play single games. Regular season league play starts the first week of June and runs for seven weeks. A double elimination tournament for each division will take place in August.  


Season Duration: JUNE - AUGUST


For additional information or to register as a Free Agent, visit


Lake Oswego Softball with the Clackamas County Softball Association is the authorized service provider for this league. Please contact the organization for ALL league-related questions, inquiries, and concerns by visiting Lake Oswego Softball - Contact Us.

Contact Lake Oswego Softball