Adult Coed Soccer League

Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Adult Coed Soccer Leagues

We offer league play in Spring, Summer and Fall. 

Spring/Fall League Divisions

Open (18+) Division - 7 v 7

Over 35 Division - 11 v 11

Summer League Divisions:

Open (18+) Division - 7 v 7 

Fall 2024 Season

The Fall 2024 season runs September 8th - November 17th. This is an 8 game season. 


Schedules, Scores, Standings (SSS)

To access the Fall 2024 SSS, head to the right-side "Attachments" menu. The SSS has team schedules, updated team scores, and tracks team standings throughout the season. 


Player Registration:

Individual players may register throughout the season for a team or as a Weekly One-Time Sub. You must get approval from a team manager to join a team.


Player Registration Fees:

$69 Resident | $86 Non-Resident 

(*Note: Registration fees are pro-rated after the start of the season.)


Register for Fall soccer here!

Fall 7 v 7 Open Division - Playing at East Waluga Park (EWP)

Fall 11 v 11 Over 35 Division - Playing at Hazelia Field (HAZ)


***This division is affiliated with Oregon Adult Soccer Association. In order to participate in this league, all players will need to have a valid OASA player card and be registered with Lake Oswego Parks & Rec.***


Free Agent?

Note: Individuals are not placed on teams.

Register as a Free Agent to join the list of individual players looking for a team.


Subbing for a Team?

Register as a Weekly One-Time Sub through the links below.

Register Sub Week of 10/13/24

Register Sub Week of 10/20/24

Register Sub Week of 10/27/24

Register Sub Week of 11/3/24

Register Sub Week of 11/10/24

For more information or for questions, please contact:

Cheyenne Evans - Sports Coordinator | 503-675-2544


Heidi Johnson - Sports Assistant | 503-697-6519