George Rogers Park - Historic Iron Furnace

In October 2008, the City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $830,785 to Pioneer Waterproofing Company, Inc. for restoration of the historic iron furnace in George Rogers Park. Pioneer Waterproofing is a company noted for its fine craftsmanship on historic structures, including Crater Lake Lodge, Vista House, and Union Station.

The restoration is intended to improve the seismic stability of the furnace through the use of titan hollow anchor rods, hydraulic lime, and grout. Additional work to be performed includes basalt stone repair and replacement, brick repair and replacement, placement and grouting of rubble fill, placement of adhesive anchors, installation of standing seam roof, and the installation of custom iron gates. Once the restoration is completed in the summer of 2009, landscaping and an interpretive kiosk will provide the finishing touches later that summer.

This project is being funded with revenues from the Transient Lodging Tax.

Historic Furnace Under Construction
Historic Furnace Repair Workers photo
611 S. State Street
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Project Details

Old Town
