Municipal Golf Course Renovation

Latest Project Update

Exciting news! The new Lake Oswego Recreation & Aquatics Center, along with the golf course, is slated to open in late winter 2025. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the big day!

October 18, 2024

Most work on the course has been completed. The driving range has now been seeded and the lights and netting are in. The course will open in conjunction with the LORAC with the front desk being the service area for golfers and course usage.








September 19, 2024

The renovation of the Lake Oswego Public Golf Course is nearly complete and is on track to open in conjunction with the LORAC. The redesigned course offers a more enjoyable and sustainable golfing experience, incorporating eco-friendly practices such as electric mowers to reduce the environmental footprint. One of the final touches, the netting for the driving range, is expected to arrive in October, with installation scheduled shortly after. As we approach the final stages, excitement is building for the unveiling of this refreshed course, which promises to enhance playability and provide an improved experience for the community.









Project Description

The Lake Oswego Golf Course is located on 40 acres just north of the intersection of Stafford Road and Overlook Drive. A small wetlands area is delineated at the northern edge of the property. The course was originally opened in 1964 and included a small clubhouse and the driving range. The original clubhouse was replaced in 1992.

The Golf Course renovation includes design and construction of a 9-hole Executive Golf Course in Lake Oswego to replace the existing 18-hole Par 3 golf course located at 17525 Stafford Road in Lake Oswego. Key elements of the project include:

  • Design and construction of a 9-hole Executive Golf Course
  • Renovation of the existing driving range
  • Design and construction of a new related golf course maintenance facility

The Recreation and Aquatics Center project will also coincide with the Golf Course renovation, with the Annex (formerly the golf course clubhouse building) being renovated simultaneously. The Annex will be utilized for additional programming opportunities.

Project Developments

The Land Use Application is now complete, and is currently in the review process. The link to the application is on the right under Links.

The last few months have included permitting, tree protection fencing, erosion control, and awarding the Phase 2 construction contract to Milroy Golf Systems. The driving range will be extended and regraded to improve sight lines for balls, the netting poles will be replaced, and reseeding of the range will enhance the patron’s experience. The Executive Golf Course includes three PAR 4’s and five PAR 3’s tee boxes, fairways, and greens, plus a new putting green.

The Annex (formerly the Clubhouse) building had not had any significant upgrades since it was constructed in 1992. The renovations will improve ADA accessibility, repair the degraded façade, and enhance the user experience. Renovation work will include ADA upgrades for restrooms, ADA upgrades for doors and access control, repairs to siding and exterior windows, and minor layout alternations to allow for two programmable spaces. This building will be an Annex to the Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center.

The projects should be completed and open in late 2024.


PARKS & RECREATION FRONT DESK is now located at the Adult Community Center, 505 G Ave, LO. Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm.



Project Updates: 
August 9, 2024: Exciting progress at the Lake Oswego Public Golf Course! The driving range poles are now up, and the new netting will be installed next week. We're all eagerly anticipating the next few months of work on reseeding, adding the sand traps, and other maintenance work before the course can open. The opening will be in conjunction with the Recreation & Aquatic Center later this year. 




 May 10, 2024: We continue to let the grass mature. We are looking to open the golf course in conjunction with the Recreation and Aquatics Center opening later this year.





November 20, 2023: The grass continues to mature, and our fantastic Parks Team is doing standard golf course maintenance. This will continue through the winter months. For previous project updates, scroll down the page.





October 20, 2023: Creating a golf course involves carefully planning and cultivating various grass species to ensure high quality playing surface. This process will take the next year to strengthen and prepare for play. Currently, our Parks staff are caring for and maintaining the area to improve the soil health and will monitor conditions to ensure the course will be playable when opened in the fall of 2024.




August 22, 2023:  It is starting to look like a golf course again! We are thrilled the grass is coming in, and we continue to monitor it as it grows to ensure we are watering it and that the seeds are germinating well. 






August 11, 2023: The golf course continues to develop. The site was prepared, and seeding has occurred with proper seed-to-soil contact. We have begun the watering of the seeds to establish adequate germination. This will be a “grow-in” period that will last over the next year. During this time, the grass matures, and the course will become playable when it opens in late 2024.






July 21, 2023: The golf course work is making great strides. Temporary irrigation is in, and the grading of the greens with sand is complete. Next will come seeding. This will be done in phases to assure good growth and density. 






June 23, 2023: The golf course is taking shape with Dan Hixson, the golf architect and designer. His work style is to create each hole on-site considering the slope, pin placements, bunkers, natural areas, fairways, and existing hazards like trees and water. The greens and tees are built, and the fairways are shaped. Irrigation is going in, and the final grading will be followed by seeding.




June 8, 2023: Work continues on the golf course. The layout of the fairways and greens is apparent. Irrigation is the next step, while additional work will be done on other design features, including sand areas and tee boxes.





May 5, 2023: The golf course is starting to take shape, literally! We are thrilled to have Dan Hixson, golf architect, and designer, head up the project's redesign. Dan brings a wealth of experience with his impressive resume, including Bandon Crossings Golf Course, Wine Valley Golf Course, Crestview Golf Club, and more, winning awards along the way. He is spending time at the site and has become one of the region's best course designers. 








April 7, 2023: Work continues on the Golf Course project with stockpiling soil and removing the driving range poles while permits are being finalized. The Annex (formerly the Golf Course Clubhouse) renovation continues to move forward with the structural beam repair complete. In addition, the store-front windows have been replaced, and the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing permits are finished. With the permits in place, the rough plumbing is complete. Siding work is currently in progress, with an estimated completion date of the end of April. The Annex will be utilized for additional programming opportunities.



February 21, 2023: The Lake Oswego Municipal Golf Course project broke ground mid-February. The renovation project of converting the existing 18-hole Par 3 course to a 9-hole executive course will take approximately one year and re-open when the Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center is completed in August 2024. Current work includes tree removal, driving range netting, and pole removal. Excavation and rough grading will begin in spring. Building permits are still in review.

November 30, 2022: The tree protection and erosion control are being completed in readiness for the tree removal.

October 27, 2022: Phase 2 construction contract signed with Milroy Golf Systems.

October 2022: Currently the renovation for the golf course is in final design and permitting. We hope to break ground this winter and construction will take approximately a year. The Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center project that is to be built on this site will begin construction as well in the spring of 2023. The two projects should be completed and open in late 2024. The golf course, once complete, requires 6-8 months to grow in and we are attempting to align the two projects so they are both complete around the same time. The golf course will be converted from an 18 hole PAR 3 to a 9 hole executive course with three PAR 4’s and 5 Par 3’s. We will also be renovating the driving range to extend it and regrade it to improve site lines for balls, replacing the netting poles, and reseeding the range. The Clubhouse is currently being renovated to provide programmable recreation space since all golf related activity will be conducted from the new Recreation Center. The Clubhouse interior renovation will begin in November. The course was closed down so that we could begin preliminary work such as removing all interior furnishings and equipment from the Clubhouse and Maintenance Facility, install tree protection on the course as required by the City, install erosion control per City requirements, finalize wetland delineation study, etc.  

June 2022: The Land Use Application is now complete. The link to the application is on the right under Links.

March 2022: Land Use Submittal under revision based on letter of incomplete from planning. Proceeding with 50%, CD’s and cost estimate. 

January 2022: The Land Use Application has been submitted to the City's Planning Department for review. 

December 2021: A virtual community meeting for the City of Lake Oswego Municipal Golf Course Renovation project was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. Community members heard about project progress and had an opportunity to provide comment or ask questions about updated design concepts for the 9-hole executive course, driving range, and maintenance building.

November 2021: The Golf Course TAC Meeting 2 was held on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. Additional TAC members were added, and future TAC meetings will be scheduled.

August 2021: Neighborhood Meeting Video is posted in the Notices section on the right side.

July 2021: Neighborhood Meeting will be held Tuesday, August 3 - 6pm at the Golf Club House, 17525 Stafford Rd, Lake Oswego. The project team are in the process of preparing the Land Use Application with the goal of being able to start construction on the Maintenance Facility in late winter.

May 2021: Watch for the date of the Online Open House for this project which is scheduled to launch in mid-June.  The Preliminary Golf Course layout is complete and can be viewed in the attachments on the right side under Other Materials. There will be opportunities to give feedback and comment at the upcoming Community Outreach meetings, and you can also send your comments online

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been formed and will hold their first meeting soon.

February 2021: Project under contract and kick off meeting has been held. The Golf Course, Maintenance Building, and renovation of the Driving Range are in the design phase.

January 2021: This project is in contract negotiations.

Development Review Type: 
Development Review Commission
LO Golf Course
17525 Stafford Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Project Details
WO 306
Project Contact: 

Bruce Powers, RLA 
Park Analyst / Project Manager
Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation
P.O. Box 369
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Phone: 503-697-6575

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