Park Master Plans

System Wide Plans

Parks Plan 2025 - Adopted July 2012

Parks Plan 2025 is the Park and Recreation Departments overall long range planning document. This document is a community based vision that guides the department for the next 10+ years. View the Parks Plan 2025 .

Parks Plan appendix:
Lake Oswego Open Space Plan - Adopted March 2001

The L.O. Open Space Plan was established to protect and expand those elements that contribute to the natural, cultural and aesthetic health of the community and their perception of Lake Oswego as a “village in a park,” a place of physical beauty and respite from expanding regional urbanization. View the Open Space Plan.

Park Master Plans

Iron Mountain Park Master Plan - Adopted July 2017

The Parks and Recreation Department began the design process for Iron Mountain Park in Mid to late 2015. Iron Mountain Park is a ~51 acre park located within the City of Lake Oswego. The Iron Mountain Boulevard Park Master Plan was developed in 1984 for one of 18 parcels that now make up the Iron Mountain Park property. In Mid 2015 the Parks and Recreation Department will be starting a conceptual park planning process to include the 17 additional properties in a restoration, protection and development strategy for the park.  For project specific information visit the Iron Mountain Park web page.

To view the 1984 Iron Mountain Boulevard Park Master Plan.
Luscher Area Master Plan - Adopted July 2013

The Luscher Area Master Plan provides a community based approach to development of the 151+ acres of park land that make up the Luscher Area. The master plan is an expansion of recreational, natural resource and urban agricultural uses. View the Luscher Area Master Plan.

George Rogers Park Master Plan - Adopted June 2002

George Rogers Park is Lake Oswego's oldest park. The park is a 24 acre park with both natural and developed features. the park also has direct access to the Willamette River. View the George Rogers Park plan.

Canal Area Master Plan - Adopted February 2001

The Canal Area Master Plan represents over 67 acres of park land including minor development and natural resource restoration. View the Canal Area Master Plan.

Parks Planning Projects

Agricultural Space Plan (AG Plan) 

The Agricultural Space Plan (AG Plan) is a further iteration of the Luscher Area Master Plan. It defines the agricultural programming spaces and interface areas between agricultural uses and other uses (natural resources, recreation, passive park space) within the properties of the Luscher Area. Download the Ag Plan.

Woodmont Park Concept Plan

Woodmont Park is a 6.8 acre park located within the City of Lake Oswego.

Plan PDFs