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Parks General Information
Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation operates one of the most active parks and recreation programs in the Portland metropolitan area. Among the parks and recreation facilities managed by the department are over 600 acres of developed park property, undeveloped and passive parklands, natural parks, and open spaces, including 45 acres of recreation facilities, including the Adult Community Center, Indoor Tennis Center, outdoor swim park, and the Water Sports Center on the Willamette River. Coming in 2024 will be the 9-hole executive golf course and the Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatic Center.
Parks & Recreation is pleased to announce the Memorial Bench Program. Memorial benches have become an increasingly popular way to remember and pay tribute to loved ones.
In the City of Lake Oswego, there are 460+ acres of natural character parks. These often overlooked natural areas are vital to our community. They contribute to important habitat for plants and animals, water shed and stormwater management/health, as well as a place for the community to connect to nature.
The Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation maintenance staff are dedicated professionals who care for over 645 acres of Parks properties at over 36 different sites. Parks provides maintenance for the City's developed parks, natural areas and open spaces. In addition to park spaces they also care for the Indoor Tennis Center, the Adult Community Center, Charles S Brown Water Sports Center, the Lake Oswego Swim Park, and Luscher Farm Park properties.
Picnic shelters may be rented for use between April 1 and September 30, 2025. Online reservations will open February 3.
In the spring of 1991, the City began the construction of a recreational loop system of pathways around the community. Each loop is designed to connect neighborhoods with schools, parks, and commercial centers. Read on for more information on where the pathways are located!
The Lake Oswego Swim Park is open to Lake Oswego residents from July 1 through August 31. It features certified lifeguards, inner tubes, lounge chairs, picnic tables, water toys, and a limited number of life jackets. Hours are 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily.
Park Rules
Picnic Reservations and Facility Rental
Donations & Memorials Policy and Application
LO Parks Photo Pass
Parks Maintenance
Online Registration
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