Rent or Host Your Club At The Lounge

The LO Teen Lounge and other LOPR programs are currently at Christ Church Episcopal Parish (CCP), 1060 Chandler Road.

Renting The Lounge:
The LO Teen Lounge is available for rentals year-round!  Rentals are open to ages 10+ and need to be reserved at least 4 weeks in advance.  Please email Jordan Morales to check availability and rental packages. View the available rental packages!

Host Your Club or Group:
If you have a high school club meeting, end of the year party, extra credit movie showing, or other after-school activity, come to the Lounge! Club hosting is free to Lake Oswego & Lakeridge High School groups who would like use of the lounge during available hours. 
Available hours are:
Monday- Friday 6:00pm - 7:30pm

For more information, or to arrange a session, contact Jordan at

LO Teen Lounge
1060 Chandler Rd
Lake Oswego, OR