Stewardship Work Party at Woodmont Park 4.7.24
Sunday, April 7, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Sun. 1 - 3 pm
Give Mother Nature a helping hand in this 7 acre natural park. Join Friends of Woodmont Park to restore habitat that is home to pollinators, birds and animals. Dress for the weather. Wear closed toe shoes, bring gloves and water to drink.
Questions: Phil Zald 734-395-4194 or philzald@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
Parking: Near intersection of Knaus Rd. and Atwater Rd.
Restrooms: Not available
Stay home if you have symptoms of a contagious illness or had recent contact with someone exhibiting symptoms of an illness.
Please check lo-stewardship.org for work party cancellations due to weather.
Springbrook Park
2055 Wembley Park Rd.
Lake Oswego,
See map: Google Maps