Teach a Class or an Activity!

Welcome to the Recreation Program

Proposal Page!

Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation (LOPR) offers a wide variety of recreation classes and activities year-round. There are several Recreation Department Divisions: The Adult Community Center, Adult & Youth Cultural & Fitness activities, Outdoor Recreation, Sports Leagues, Tennis, Special Events, and Luscher Farm. Activities and services range from preschool ages to older adults, 50+, and can be presented in various parks and facilities within the LOPR area. Aquatics and Golf will open for proposals in the Summer of 2024, with the opening of the Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center and Golf Course scheduled to open in the fall of 2024.  Many of the classes and workshops currently offered through the Divisions exist because an enthusiast and expert has the desire to teach a program. If you have an idea for a program or are interested in presenting an activity, the following information is provided for your assistance.

As an instructor/presenter, are you a City employee or contractor?

Hourly City Employee

Contracted Service Provider


  1. Eligible to work in the United States and provide identification
  2. Pass a Criminal Background Check
  3. Hourly wage is negotiable according to experience, knowledge, background regarding the subject, and the current market rate/demand
  4. Employment is classified as on-call/less than 20 hrs weekly with ongoing employment not to include employment benefits
  5. Employee must enroll in paperless payment - Wells Fargo paycard or direct deposit



  1. Pass a Criminal Background Check
  2. A sole proprietor using a d/b/a, or a business/corporate entity; a current business license status with the State of Oregon Corporation Division is required.
  3. The City requires proof of insurance in the form of a Certificate of Insurance and Endorsement page naming the City as an additionally insured. The insurance requirement of $2M per occurrence and $3M in aggregate.

Payment is done on a per participant basis.

For more information please call Dina Balogh 503-534-5420 or email dbalogh@lakeoswego.city


To submit a Recreation Program Proposal Form, please fill out this form.


All Lake Oswego Recreation & Aquatics Center Info:

Anthony Markey (503) 534-5203, amarkey@lakeoswego.city

All Youth & Adult Enrichment, Fitness and/or Outdoor Classes and Camps:

Cydny Fletcher (503) 697-6589, cfletcher@lakeoswego.city

All Sports & Tennis Classes and Camps:

Lisa West (503) 697-2832, lwest@lakeoswego.city

All Organic Education/Gardening Classes and Camps:

Emily Liu (503) 675-3983, eliu@lakeoswego.city

All 50+ Adult Enrichment Classes and Trips & Tours:

Maria Bigelow (503) 534-5748, mbigelow@lakeoswego.city


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