Track Wildlife, Birds & Plants in Park Natural Areas
Lake Oswego has over 460 acres of natural park areas. These natural park areas are peaceful places to connect to nature and are vital to our community. They contribute important habitat for plants, animals, birds and the watershed.
Let us know what you discover in Lake Oswego's natural areas! Send a list of plants, birds, or wildlife you've seen, to Eric Hirshberger, Natural Areas Crew Leader, at
Thanks for sharing your discoveries of wildlife, birds and plants in the park natural areas!
Wildlife seen in Lake Oswego Parks' Natural Areas:
- Western Tiger Swallowtail
- Raccoon
- American Beaver
- Douglas Squirrel
- Rough-Skinned Newt
- Common Garter Snake
- Banana Slug
- Wildlife reported in GEORGE ROGERS PARK by Willamette River: 7/23/23
- Brush Rabbit
- Douglas Squirrel
- Townsends Chipmunk
- Wildlife reported in BRYANT WOODS NATURE PARK: 6/2/2023
- Douglas Squirrel
- Great Horned Owl
- Wildlife reported in FOOTHILLS PARK and Willamette River: 5/3/23
- California Sea Lion
- Douglas Squirrel
- Wildlife reported in IRON MT. PARK: 4/7/23
- Townsend's Chipmunk
- Douglas Squirrel
- Wildlife reported in LILY BAY NATURAL AREA: 3/14/23
- Douglas Squirrel
- Otter
- Western Pond Turtle
- Wildlife reported in FOOTHILLS PARK and Willamette River: 1/21/2023
- California Sea Lion
- Wildlife reported in ROEHR PARK NATURAL AREA: 12/7/2022
- Brush Rabbit
- Douglas Squirrel
- Beaver or Nutria (?)
- Wildlife reported in BRYANT WOODS NATURE PARK: 11/22/2022
- Brush Rabbit
- Douglas Squirrel
- Townsend Chipmunk
- Wildlife reported in WOODMONT NATURAL PARK: 11/5/22
- Brush Rabbit
- Blacktail Deer (5 point buck)
- Douglas Squirrel
- Wildlife reported in IRON MT. PARK: 10/30/22
- Doulas Squirrel
- Nutria
- Townsend's Chipmunk
- Wildlife reported in SOUTH SHORE OVERLOOK NATURAL AREA: 10/25/22
- Blacktail Deer (5 point buck)
- Wildlife reported in IRON MT. PARK: 10/16/22
- Rough Skinned Newt
- Wildlife reported in LUSCHER FARM NATURAL AREA: 10/1/22
- Blacktail Deer
- Brush Rabbit
- Coyote
- Wildlife reported in STEVENS MEADOW NATURAL AREA: 10/1/22
- Douglas' Squirrel
- Townsend's Chipmunk
- Townsend's Mole
- Wildlife reported in IRON MT. PARK: 9/10/22
- Blacktail Deer
- Brush Rabbit
- Douglas Squirrel
- Racoon
- Wildlife reported in GEORGE ROGERS PARK by Willamette River: 8/1/22
- Brush Rabbit
- California Sea Lion
- Douglas Squirrel
- River Otter
- Townsends Chipmunk
- Wildlife reported in IRON MT PARK: 7/9/22
- Coyote
- Grey Squirrel
- Nutria
- Townsend Chipmunks
- Western Pond Turtle
- Blacktail Deer
- Wildlife reported in WOODMONT NATURAL PARK: 6/19/22
- Brush Rabbits
- Coyote
- Townsend Chipmunk
- Blacktail Deer
- Wildlife reported in STEVENS MEADOW NATURAL AREA: 6/16/22
- Brush Rabbits
- Coyote
- Grey Squirrel
- Blacktail Deer
- Wildlife reported in FOOTHILLS PARK and Willamette River: 6/4/22
- Grey Squirrel
- California Sea Lion
- Wildlife reported in FOOTHILLS PARK and Willamette River: 5/5/22
- California Sea Lion
- Wildlife reported in IRON MT. PARK: 5/7/22
- Chipmunk
- Grey Squirrel
- Nutria
- Blacktail Deer
- Wildlife reported in LILY BAY NATURAL AREA: 11/4/21
- Beaver
- Coyote
- Otter
- Western Pond Turtle
- Blacktail Deer
- Wildlife reported in ROEHR PARK on Willamette River: 10/12/21
- River Otter
- Wildlife reported in RASSKEH PROPERTY: 10/6/21
- American Beaver
- Brush Rabbits
- Coyote
- Skunk
- Blacktail Deer
- Wildlife reported in PARKs by a 13 year old Nature Enthusiast: 9/23/21
- Grey Squirrel
- Fox Squirrel
- Shrew (unidentified)
- Mole (unidentified)
- Garter Snake
Our feathered friends keep us on our toes trying to spot them! Let us know what you discover and which natural area you were in!
Birds seen in Lake Oswego Parks' Natural Areas:
- Birds reported in IRON MT. PARK: 8/10/23
- American Crow
- Bkack Capped Chickadee
- Red Tailed Hawk
- Robin
- Stellar Jay
- Birds reported in FOOTHILLS PARK by Willamette River: 6/19/23
- American Crow
- Bald Eagle
- Canadian Geese
- Mallards
- Birds reported in ROEHR PARK by Willamette River: 6/19/23
- American Crow
- Canadian Goose
- Osprey
- Western Gulls
- Birds reported in WOODMONT NATURAL PARK: 4/5/23
- American Robin
- Brown Creeper
- Common Raven
- Tree Swallow
- Birds reported in IRON MT. PARK: 4/1/23
- American Robin
- Common Raven
- Mallard
- Steller's Jay
- Birds reported in LILY BAY NATURAL AREA: 3/11/23
- American Robin
- Varied Thrush
- Birds reported in ROEHR PARK by Willamette River: 2/15/23
- Bald Eagle
- Canadian Goose
- Crow
- Western Gulls
- Birds reported in GEORGE ROGERS PARK and Willamette River: 1/21/2023
- Bald Eagle
- Canadian Goods
- Western Gulls
- Birds reported in FOOTHILLS PARK and Willamette River: 1/21/2023
- Bald Eagle
- Western Gulls
- Birds reported in FOOTHILLS PARK by Willamette River: 1/12/23
- Bald Eagle (2 bald eagles perched in a tree)
- Birds reported in ROEHR PARK NATURAL AREA: 12/7/2022
- American Crow
- American Robin
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Mallard
- Birds reported in BRYANT WOODS NATURE PARK: 11/22/2022
- American Robin
- Black Capped Chickadee
- Dark-eyed Junco
- Great Horned Owl
- Song Sparrow
- Birds reported in IRON MT. PARK: 10/30/22
- Black Capped Chickadee
- Blue Heron
- Mallards
- Red Wing Blackbird
- Birds reported in LUSCHER FARM NATURAL AREA: 10/1/22
- Anna's Hummingbird
- Common Raven
- Red Tailed Hawk
- Steller's Jay
- Birds reported in STEVENS MEADOW NATURAL AREA: 10/1/22
- American Robin
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Song Sparrow
- Spotted Towhee
- Birds reported in IRON MT. PARK: 9/10/22
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Blue Heron
- Mallards
- Steller's Jay
- Birds reported in IRON MT PARK: 7/9/22
- American Crow
- Bald Eagle
- Blue Heron
- Mallards
- Osprey
- Red Wing Blackbird
- Birds reported in LUSCHER FARM NATURAL AREA: 6/20/22
- Killdeer eggs
- Birds reported in WOODMONT NATURAL PARK: 6/19/22
- American Crow
- Flicker
- Horned Owl
- Lesser Goldfinch
- Robin
- Birds reported in GEORGE ROGERS PARK NATURAL AREAS: 6/14/22
- Bald Eagle
- Blue Heron
- Flicker
- Osprey (in a nest by baseball field)
- Western Gull
- Towhee
- Birds reported by Willamette River near several parks: 6/4/22
- Bald Eagle
- Canadian Goose
- Osprey
- Red Wing Blackbird
- Birds reported in FOOTHILLS PARK by Willamette River: 5/5/22
- American Crow
- Bald Eagle
- Canadian Geese
- Mallards
- Osprey
- Birds reported in IRON MT. PARK: 5/7/22
- American Crow
- Annas Hummingbird
- Bald Eagle
- Bkack Capped Chickadee
- Blue Heron
- Red Tailed Hawk
- Robin
- Stellar Jay
- Birds reported in LILY BAY NATURAL AREA :11/4/21
- Bald Eagle
- Blue Heron
- Osprey
- Wood Duck
- Birds reported in ROEHR PARK by Willamette River: 10/12/21
- Bald Eagle
- Northern Flicker
- Osprey
- Birds reported in PARKs by a 13 year old Nature Enthusiast: 9/23/21
- American Crow
- American Robin
- Ana's Hummingbird
- Blue Heron
- Dark Eyed "Oregon" Junco
- Fox Sparrow
- House Finch
- Orange Crowned Warbler
- Red Breasted Nuthatch
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Red Tailed Hawk
- Spotted Towhee
- Stellar's Jay
- Varied Thrush
The variety of trees, shrubs, flowers and ferns in Lake Oswego's natural parks areas is staggering! Let us know what you discover!
Native Species of Plants seen in Lake Oswego Parks' Natural Areas:
- Douglas Fir
- Salmonberry
- Western Sword Fern
- Common Snowberry
- Pacific Trillium
- Oregon White Oak
- Licorice Fern
- Plants and trees in FREEPONS PARK 11/9/22
- Big Leaf Maple
- Douglas Fir
- Fringecup
- Oregon Grape
- Red Alder
- Salal
- Plants and trees in IRON MT. PARK: 10/12/22
- Big Leaf Maple
- Common Snowberry
- Douglas Fir
- Western Swordfern
Volunteer in LO's Natural Areas!