Recreation Program Proposal Form

Indicate which catalog season you would like to offer your program by clicking the appropriate button. **Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation reserves the right to approve or deny program proposals based on many factors including but not limited to: current budget constrictions, facility availability, and demand, trends, or competition within the community.**
Please provide the following contact information:
Program Description
Please describe your recreation program information.
Please select which categories your recreation program falls under.
Please limit your program title to 5 words or less.
Please write a short description for the program you would like to offer. Please limit it to no more than 30 words and specify no class dates such as holidays.
Please write a long description for the program you would like to offer and include the no class/holiday dates. This description can include more detail such as: attire/tools/supplies/food & drink/potty trained, etc.
Please review the Contracted Service Provider Basic Requirements if you would like to be a contractor. Information is located here.