Yates Property Improvements

Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation recently purchased the property at 1107 Yates Street adjacent to Hallinan Woods. The existing structures on the property are scheduled for demolition November 1st once the hazardous material abatement is complete. The intent is to expand the natural area of Hallinan Woods and provide soft surface trails through the new property as well as a boardwalk or bridge across the existing wetlands and creek.

Staff held a public meeting on site October 23, 2021 to ask for input from the community on proposed trail alignment. Three options where presented and input was received from the community. The design team then created a fourth option or preferred alternative based on these comments. The design team and staff also addressed concerns from the community regarding parking and access to the site, fence removal and tree removal. Currently the design team is proposing no parking at the site, removal of the six foot black chain link fence separating the two properties and no removal of trees.

Next steps include preparing plans that meet the regulatory requirements for permitting and construction of the proposed trails and boardwalk / bridge.


Comments and questions can be directed to

Bruce Powers, Project Manager 503-697-6575 bpowers@lakeoswego.city


Yates Property
1107 Yates St
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Project Details
WO 326
Project Contact: 

Bruce Powers, RLA 
Park Analyst / Project Manager
Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation
P.O. Box 369
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Phone: 503-697-6575
Email: bpowers@lakeoswego.city
