2023 Pathways
In 2022, the City started design on several new pathways. Each pathway provides critical missing connections linking neighborhoods to schools, business districts, and recreation areas:
- Boca Ratan Drive Pathway – from Bonniebrae Drive to Atwater Road
- Douglas Way Pathway – from Quarry Road to Boones Ferry Road
- Hallinan Street Pathway – from Cherry Lane to Hawthorne Drive
- Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle Pathway – from Boones Ferry Road to Twin Fir Road
Construction on three of the pathways took place during summer and fall 2023. Due to timing constraints, construction of the Lanewood/Douglas Circle pathway will take place in 2024.
In summer 2022, the project team developed possible alternative concepts of the pathways and sought feedback through in-person meetings and online questionnaires. Results are available in the key documents and under project updates.
On September 22, 2022, the City and project team presented the community feedback received from the meetings and questionnaires, along with the preliminary concepts to the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB). A link to the meeting materials and agenda is here.
Following the TAB meeting, on October 18, 2022, Council made a decision to move forward with developing detailed designs for all four pathway locations. To view the meeting agenda and materials, click here.
Final Designs
Final designs for the following pathways are here:
What is Coming Next
In late 2023 or early 2024, we plan to start design on the next set of pathways:
- Carman Drive - from Waluga Drive to Quarry Road
- Pilkington Road – from Boones Ferry Road to Willow Road, and from Willow Road to Lakeview Boulevard
- Tree Top Lane – from Overlook Drive to Fernwood Drive
- Meadowlark Lane – from Overlook Drive to Ridge Pointe Drive
November 21, 2023 - Construction is Complete!
Construction is complete on all three pathways on Boca Ratan Drive, Douglas Way and Hallinan Street! Thank you to everyone's patience during this work. We hope you and your neighbors enjoy the new sidewalks in your community!
October 12, 2023 - Construction Update
Boca Ratan Drive
The new sidewalk is taking shape along Boca Ratan Drive, with crews pouring segments of the new curbs, sidewalk, ADA curb ramps and driveway aprons each week.
Crews are more than halfway complete with the major work, and are hoping to have the majority of the sidewalk completed in time for Halloween!
Thanks to residents for getting behind the spirit of Halloween with these fun, spooktacular decorations!
Douglas Way and Hallinan Street
All major work is complete for Douglas Way and Hallinan Street. Remaining items include cleanup and mailbox reinstallations for some residences. All work for these areas is expected to be complete by late October.
September 26, 2023 - Construction Update
Boca Ratan Drive
Construction work for the new pathway has started along Boca Ratan Drive. Tree protection fencing and erosion control have been installed. The contractor is excavating along the east side of the existing roadway at the proposed new sidewalk location.
Douglas Way and Hallinan Street
Construction is almost complete on two new pathways on Douglas Way and Hallinan Street to provide connections for neighborhoods with schools and business districts. Thank you to residents, businesses and the traveling public for your patience during construction of these essential pedestrian facilities! We hope you enjoy the new sidewalks and pathways.
September 6, 2023 - Construction Update
Thank you for your patience while we build the new pathways on Douglas and Hallinan.
Douglas Way
Crews paved portions of the new asphalt pathway on Douglas Way last week, and are finishing up some sections near the new concrete sidewalk and curbs. All work on Douglas is expected to be complete by the end of September.
Hallinan Street
Crews paved portions of the pathway and areas near the new sidewalk on Hallinan Street last week. Unfortunately not all work is finished in time for school returning. All work on Hallinan is expected to be complete in the coming weeks.
Boca Ratan Drive
Construction on the new Boca Ratan Drive pathway is planned to start in mid-September!
August 25, 2023 - Construction Update
Douglas Way
Crews are ramping up the final sidewalk pours and getting ready for paving portions of the new asphalt pathway near the school. Paving is expected to occur next week, prior to school returning in early September.
Hallinan Street
Crews continue to make progress with the new concrete sidewalk and asphalt pathway. Crews are doing a last push to complete the majority of the work before school returns. Paving is expected to occur next week!
Boca Ratan
Construction is expected to begin in mid-September on the new Boca Ratan pathway!
Key information:
- Work hours are 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Some Saturday work may also take place during the hours of 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Expect lane closures during work hours with traffic shifted. Flaggers may direct traffic.
- Access will remain open to residents, school, emergency services, mail, and garbage collection.
- During work hours, expect brief delays, dust, vibration, and noise from activities and equipment.
- Underground utilities will be marked on the street and in the right-of-way with paint. Wooden stakes may also be placed in some areas within the project area.
- Steel plates may be placed, and equipment will be stored on the street or in the right-of-way.
- On-street parking may be restricted at times in the work zone.
- The project team will coordinate any driveway reconstruction or mailbox relocations with impacted residents in advance.
August 10, 2023 - Construction Update
Douglas Way
Construction is progressing well on the new sidewalk and pathway on Douglas Way. Crews are expecting to pave the asphalt portions of the new pathway by the end of August/early September, in time for when school returns. Most major work is expected to be done in early September, with some remaining miscellaneous cleanup and restoration items taking place through September.
Hallinan Street
Several segments of the new sidewalk have been formed and poured on Hallinan. New curb ramps, curbs, and gutters have been poured at Hemlock.
July 31, 2023 - Tree Removal Application on Douglas Way
The City is applying for a Type II Tree Removal Application for three trees located in the public right-of-way, at approximately 4040 Douglas Way. This is out of a precaution only.
During design, the City tried to minimize any potential impacts to existing tree roots. However, to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, we will need to excavate several inches deeper from where the current gravel pathway is located, which is adjacent to the existing trees. It is likely that many of the large roots may be impacted on one side of the three trees.
We are applying for the removal permit as a contingency plan. We intend to construct the pathway and monitor the health of the trees moving forward. We will not remove the trees unless they pose a threat to public safety.
If we need to remove the trees, we will plant three new trees in the same general location, away from conflict with the pathway.
July 27, 2023 - Construction Update
Douglas Way
Work is progressing well on the new sidewalk and pathway along Douglas Way. Several segments have been installed (see below).
Hallinan Street
Tree protection fencing and erosion control has been installed.
Crews have started working on the new sidewalk and intersection bump outs on Hemlock Street near the school. Concrete forms are being placed to build the new sidewalk (see below). The roadway has been sawcut along Hallinan Street where the new sidewalk will be installed.
July 7, 2023 - Construction Update
Douglas Way
Preliminary activities have started on Douglas Way, including surveying. Tree protection fencing will be installed during the week of July 10, followed by demolition work and excavation.
Hallinan Street
Preliminary construction activities are expected to start the week of July 10, including surveying, installing tree protection fencing and erosion control.
June 23, 2023 - Construction Starting Soon on Hallinan Street Pathway
Construction of the new Hallinan Street pathway between Hemlock Street and Hawthorne Drive is expected to start after July 4th and continue through summer. Key information:
- Major construction is expected to be complete before school returns this fall.
- Work hours are 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Some Saturday work may also take place during the hours of 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Expect lane closures during work hours with traffic shifted. Flaggers may direct traffic.
- Access will remain open to residents, school, emergency services, mail, and garbage collection.
- During work hours, expect brief delays, dust, vibration, and noise from activities and equipment.
- Underground utilities will be marked on the street and in the right-of-way with paint. Wooden stakes may also be placed in some areas within the project area.
- Steel plates may be placed, and equipment will be stored on the street or in the right-of-way.
- On-street parking may be restricted at times in the work zone.
- The project team will coordinate any driveway reconstruction or mailbox relocations with impacted residents in advance.
June 16, 2023 - Construction Starting Soon on Douglas Way Pathway
Construction of the new Douglas Way pathway between Quarry Road and Boones Ferry Road is expected to start the week of June 26 and continue through August. Crews plan to mobilize their equipment, begin saw-cutting, installing erosion control and tree protection fencing the week of June 26. Demolition and general excavation work is expected to take place the week of July 3 (no work will take place on July 4). In mid-July, concrete curb, gutter, driveways, ramps and sidewalk is expected to be installed.
Key information:
- Major construction is expected to be complete before school returns.
- Work hours are 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Some Saturday work may also take place from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- During work hours, lane closures may be in place and traffic shifted. Flaggers may direct traffic.
- Access will remain open to businesses, school, residents, and emergency services.
- Expect brief delays, dust, vibration, and noise from activities and equipment.
- Steel plates may be placed, and equipment will be stored on the street in the right-of-way.
- On-street parking may be prohibited at times – watch for no-parking signs.
- Residents requiring driveway pours will be notified in advance of possible temporary closures.
May 1, 2023 - Final Design
Final design for the Douglas Way Pathway Segment is now complete. The City is currently soliciting bids from a contractor to build the Douglas Way pathway. Construction on this pathway is expected to take place this summer, when school is out.
Designs for Hallinan and Boca Ratan Pathways are expected to be finalized in late May and late June. Construction on both of these pathways is expected to take place later this summer or fall.
Due to timing constraints, Lanewood Pathway design is not expected to be finalized until late 2023, with construction taking place in 2024.
March 2023 - Detailed Design
Detailed design work has been underway and final design plans will be shared soon.
Construction is expected to occur for several pathways in summer 2023.
More information and updates will be provided once designs are finalized.
October 26, 2022 - Upcoming Tree Survey Work
Survey crews will be visiting the four pathway locations in the next week or two to conduct a tree survey and inventory of the trees located within the public right-of-way. This is standard practice for all design projects.
October 14, 2022 - Upcoming Council Meeting
Staff from the project team will be presenting an update to Council on Tuesday, October 18. Council will decide whether to move forward with design on the project. To view the agenda and meeting materials, click here.
September 23, 2022 - Round Two Questionnaire Results
Results from the second round of questionnaires are now available:
In addition, a summary of the open houses is also available here.
September 12, 2022 - Questionnaires Now Closed
Thank you for your feedback! The questionnaires are now closed. We appreciate your participation and will share the feedback we have received on the website, at the TAB meeting on September 22, and at Council in October.
August 18, 2022 - Online Questionnaires Now Available!
Preliminary concepts are now available, along with questionnaires! Share your feedback by September 11.
Topics Discussed at Summer 2022 Community Meetings
Physical Separation
On pedestrian improvements like sidewalks and pathways, it is preferred to provide physical separation between the pedestrian facility and vehicular traffic, either using a curb (vertical separation) or using greenspace (horizontal separation). Example photos are shown below. This physical separation helps to provide a safer and more comfortable facility, especially for more vulnerable users. Physical separation has been incorporated into each of the pathway location concepts.
Example of using greenspace to provide horizontal separation between pathway and roadway
Example of using a raised concrete curb to provide vertical separation between pathway and roadway
Traffic Calming
Traffic calming is the combination of physical measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior, and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. This could include constructing speed bumps, providing curb extensions (bump-outs), narrowing the roadway, striping, signage etc.
Concrete or Asphalt – The Pros and Cons
In Lake Oswego, the two major materials that are typically used for pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way have been asphalt (for pathways) and concrete (for sidewalks). Gravel pathways are common in parks.
Example of concrete sidewalk under construction
Example of asphalt pathway
There are pros and cons to each:
Material Type | Pros | Cons |
Concrete Sidewalk |
Asphalt Pathway |
Concept Development - Summer 2022
Please note, initial concepts were presented at the August community meetings - see links below. Since then, some of the options have been eliminated based on feedback received at the meetings and existing constraints (e.g. utility pole locations, trees, site distance/clearance, property impacts etc.).
Boca Ratan Drive Pathway Concepts
Options that were available for feedback in the questionnaire:
- 5-foot wide raised concrete sidewalk with a concrete curb, narrowing the width of the street by adding in the new sidewalk, OR
- No pathway/sidewalk improvements.
Eliminated Option
After receiving feedback at the recent Boca Ratan community meeting, the project team has eliminated option 1 (a 5-foot wide raised concrete sidewalk with a concrete curb installed outside/behind the existing roadway). This was due to concerns with tree removal and potential impacts to adjacent property encroachments in the right-of-way.
Douglas Way Pathway Concepts
For Douglas Way, there were three proposed concepts available for feedback on the questionnaire, all of which are located on the south side of the roadway. The main difference between them is the type of material for each:
- Option 1: 5-foot wide asphalt pathway with some concrete curbs
- Option 2: 5-foot wide raised concrete sidewalk with concrete curbs
- Option 3: A combination of raised concrete sidewalk and asphalt pathway with concrete curbs
All options also show potentially installing marked crosswalks at the intersection of Douglas and Hallmark.
Hallinan Street Pathway Concepts
Segments that were available for feedback in the questionnaire:
- Only one segment
- A combination of segments
- No segments/pathway improvements
Segments include:
- Segment 1 (shown in purple) proposes a 5-foot wide asphalt pathway/concrete sidewalk combination on Cherry Lane between Hawthorne Drive and on Hallinan Street to Meadows Drive.
- Segment 2 (shown in turquoise) proposes a 5-foot wide raised concrete sidewalk with a curb on the east side of Hallinan Street between Meadows Drive and Hemlock Street.
- Segment 3 (shown in yellow) proposes improvements to the Hallinan Street and Hemlock Street intersection, including continuing the pathway to the school entrance, and adding in curb bump-outs to improve pedestrian safety/visibility and provide traffic calming.
Eliminated Option
After receiving feedback at the recent Hallinan Street community meeting, the project team has eliminated option 2 (a combination of sidewalk/pathway on different sides of the street with additional crosswalks). This is due to additional street crossings and potential conflicts between pedestrians and traffic.
Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle Pathway Concepts
Options that were available for feedback in the questionnaire:
- 5-foot wide asphalt pathway with a concrete curb, located on the south side of Lanewood Street and the south side of Douglas Circle on the south loop. This creates a direct connection from Boones Ferry to Twin Fir, but has tight areas at utility poles and trees that will need to be coordinated around., OR
- No pathway/sidewalk improvements.
Eliminated Option
After receiving feedback at the recent Lanewood/Douglas community meeting, the project team has eliminated option 2, a 5-foot wide asphalt pathway with a concrete curb, located on the north side of Lanewood Street and the east/south side of Douglas Circle on the north loop. This was eliminated due to concerns with creating an additional crossing, requiring property coordination, and potential impacts to adjacent property encroachments in the right-of-way.
August 8-9, 2022 - Alternative Maps & Community Meetings
The project team has developed possible alternatives of the pathways. These were presented at the August 8 and August 9 community meetings.
- Douglas Way Pathway Alternatives
- Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle Alternatives
- Boca Ratan Drive Alternatives
- Hallinan Street Alternatives
July 20, 2022 - Upcoming Community Meetings
In May, we held our first open houses with neighbors and gathered additional community feedback through questionnaires. We would like to share with neighbors the design concepts showing possible alternatives of the pathways. We invite you to attend the second community meeting regarding the proposed pathways. This is the next opportunity in the design process for input and discussion.
Four meetings will be held on:
- Monday, August 8 at 6 p.m. for Douglas Way Pathway (at Lake Grove Elementary School Library)
- Monday, August 8 at 7:30 p.m. for Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle Pathway (at Lake Grove Elementary School Library)
- Tuesday, August 9 at 6 p.m. for Boca Ratan Drive Pathway (at Lake Oswego City Hall Council Chambers)
- Tuesday, August 9 at 7:30 p.m. for Hallinan Street Pathway (at Lake Oswego City Hall Council Chambers)
Maps showing the preliminary alternatives will be posted to the project website on the date of the meeting. Please note, these will be conceptual drawings based on initial community feedback and are in no way final. The design team is working to balance the need for improvements with property constraints, while also listening to neighbor concerns.
In addition to the conceptual drawings, an online questionnaire will be available for you to provide feedback. The questionnaire will be available on the project website in mid-August through the end of August.
July 18, 2022 - Round One Questionnaire Results
Results from the first round of questionnaires are now available:
In addition, a summary of the open houses is also available here.
The next opportunity in the design process for input and discussion will be in August. A second round of community meetings will be held to share design concepts showing possible alternatives of the pathway with community members.
In addition, online questionnaires will be available for each of the pathway locations in mid-August. Stay tuned for more information and meeting details!
May 24, 2022
Thank you for your feedback and attending the meetings. The questionnaires are now closed. We appreciate your participation and will incorporate the feedback we have received into the next stages of the design. Stay tuned for more information!
May 2022 - Round One Meetings and Questionnaires
The City is committed to working with neighbors along planned pathway streets and within the neighborhoods, to gather input and concerns to aid with the initial phase of the design. The City and project team is holding four focused discussions to listen to and learn from neighbors.
Four meetings will be held on:
- Tuesday, May 17 for Hallinan Street Pathway
- Wednesday, May 18 for Douglas Way Pathway
- Wednesday, May 18 for Lanewood Street Pathway
- Thursday, May 19 for Boca Ratan Drive Pathway
We encourage neighbors to attend these meetings. Your early input and ideas will help us develop concepts before we move forward with the design work in the coming months. At the meetings, we will provide a map showing existing information such as property lines, locations of trees, driveways, underground utilities, and other features in the right-of-way on a map.
We also have online questionnaires available for neighbors to complete and share feedback. Your feedback and comments will ensure we have consistent information from all residents in the project area. Links for each questionnaire are outlined below:
- Hallinan Street Pathway Questionnaire
- Douglas Way Pathway Questionnaire
- Lanewood Street Pathway Questionnaire
- Boca Ratan Drive Pathway Questionnaire
Questionnaires will be open until May 23.
March 2022 - Project Introduction
Currently, the City of Lake Oswego and its engineering consulting partner are beginning the design process for four new pathway connections within the City.
The first phase of the project will be to solicit input from the residents of the neighborhoods in which these pathways will be constructed. Residents will be given the opportunity at open house events to review conceptual designs and potential alignments. Feedback will be used by the project team to inform the pathway designs. Letters will be mailed to residents’ homes in the coming weeks with more information.
Heike Shipton, Senior Associate Engineer
Transportation System Plan
Capital Improvement Plan
October 18 Council Report - Pathways Project
Douglas Way Pathway Final Designs - May 2023
Hallinan Street Pathway Final Designs - June 2023
Boca Ratan Pathway Final Designs - September 2023