Pilkington Road Pathway

Design is underway on several pathways, including a proposed pathway on Pilkington Road, from Boones Ferry Road to Willow Road, and from Willow Road to Lakeview Boulevard. This location is one of four pathways that was prioritized for design by the Transportation Advisory Board.  

This new pathway will provide critical missing connections linking neighborhoods to schools, business districts, and recreation areas. The Pathways Program is part of the City and Council goal of providing safe pedestrian facilities that encourage walking, rolling, and riding.


Design: 2024 to early 2025
Construction: summer 2025 to fall 2025

Project Updates

Fall 2024:

A summary of the open houses and online survey/comment form is available below:

The project team plans to hold a next round of open houses sharing the design plans in early spring 2025.

August 19, 2024: 

Thank you for participating in our recent open houses and sharing your feedback through our online questionnaire, which is now closed. The project team will use this input to progress with design through this fall. A comment/open house summary will be posted on the website shortly.

August 1, 2024: View Preliminary Design Concepts and Share Your Feedback through our Online Questionnaire, available through August 18! 

On Thursday, August 1, the project team held an open house to share preliminary concepts and receive feedback. If you missed the meeting, there is still time to view those design concepts and share your feedback.

Please review the information below:

Share your feedback through the Online Questionnaire, available through August 18! 

June 2024: Upcoming Community Meeting/Open House - August 1

Please join us at an upcoming community meeting to learn more, view preliminary design ideas for the new pathway, and share your feedback:

Meeting details: 

Date: Thursday, August 1
Time: 4-6:30 pm
Location: Lake Oswego Maintenance Center, Willow Room. 17601 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego 

February 2024: Preliminary Work Starting Soon!

In the coming weeks, underground utilities will be marked in the City’s right-of-way so the design team can begin with their initial survey and geotechnical investigation efforts. Crews may be taking photos, surveying the area for elevation and locations of utilities, mapping and accessing the health of trees, undertaking geotechnical investigations, and gathering other information to inform the early stages of design work and future construction. Most of the preliminary work is expected to take a few weeks to complete, although some follow-up visits throughout 2024 may be needed.

Neighbors may notice the following:

  • Survey crews will be conducting field work predominantly in the public right-of-way, but at times, may need to access private properties to verify property corners and monument markers. Our survey consultant will mail out right-of-entry letters to all affected property owners.
  • A few intermittent lane closures may occur during the daytime while crews conduct exploratory drilling and surveying. Flaggers or signage will direct drivers or assist local neighbors with access.
  • Trees may be flagged during survey work. We will be looking at how to minimize impact to trees and will have an arborist working with the team.
  • Underground utilities will be marked on the street with paint. Paint marks will disappear over time.
  • Wooden stakes with flags might be left at some places along the project area. These may indicate the public right-of-way, drainage issues, or other considerations. Please do not remove or adjust the stakes.
Project Details
WO 337
Project Contact: 

Heike Shipton, P.E.
Project Manager

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