Backyard Habitat Certification Program
The Backyard Habitat Certification Program provides technical assistance and incentives to Lake Oswego residents who wish to restore native wildlife habitat in their backyards. Participants are guided through three levels of habitat restoration: silver, gold, and platinum. The program focuses on the removal of aggressive weeds, naturescaping with native plants, stormwater management, and wildlife stewardship.
How to Get Started
- Complete the Introduction Application on the Backyard Habitat Certification website.
- After your application has been submitted, you will be contacted by a Backyard Habitat Technician with more information about scheduling a site visit.
- The site visit will provide technical assistance to help guide your restoration efforts. After the visit, the technician will send you a personalized Site Report which provides an outline of the steps to certification discussed during your visit.
- Participants also receive discounts and incentives for native plants, and educational materials to help you on your way.
- It costs only $35 to participate, and the program is open to all small-lot property owners (an acre or less) and renters.
The Backyard Habitat program is brought to you by the Friends of Tryon Creek, in collaboration with Columbia Land Trust, the Audubon Society of Portland, and the City of Lake Oswego. Click the link below to learn more about the program and to sign up for a site visit. You can contact the Friends of Tryon Creek at
The City partners with KOIN on their “Water-Do-Your-Part” campaign. Check out their video (below) regarding the Backyard Habitat Certification program!

Backyard Habitat Certification Program
Backyard Habitat Reports