Lake Oswego Urban and Community Forestry Plan Update

Posted Tue, 11/14/2023 - 4:05pm


Here is the latest project news on the update to the City’s Urban and Community Forestry Plan (UCFP):

Summary of Community Engagement and Online Public Tree Survey now available

Over the summer, staff and the project consultant engaged with members of the public at events, in focus groups meetings, and through an online survey to help identify goals, needs, and priorities for our urban forest and to better understand the community members’ views about trees in the city. Results from the outreach events and the online public survey are summarized in a Community Engagement Summary Memo posted on the project webpage and will inform the update to the UCFP. A big thank you to everyone that participated at these events and provided valuable feedback!

What is happening now?

The consultant is currently in the process of drafting the UCFP. The first draft will be reviewed by the project team and the Technical Advisory Committee before the end of the year.

What are the next steps?

In early January 2024, an early draft of the UCFP will be reviewed by a subset of stakeholders that participated in focus group meetings over the summer. The draft UCFP will also be reviewed by the Parks and Natural Area Board in a joint meeting with the Sustainability Advisory Board on January 17 and by the Planning Commission and Development Review Commission in a joint meeting on January 22. Study sessions with the City Council will be held in February and April, and the adoption of the final plan is scheduled for May 2024. All of the Council and board meetings are open to the public.

Have Questions?

Please refer to the project webpage for more information, or contact the City project coordinator, Jessica Numanoglu, at