LU 13-0046: City Council Appeal of Development Review Decision on the Wizer project.
The applicant for the Wizer project has filed an appeal to the City Council of the Development Review Commission’s decision to deny the applicant’s request. The City Council is scheduled to begin the public hearing on Monday, September 22, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. Additional information regarding the hearing is available in the public notice and information regarding issues raised on appeal are available in the City Council Report. Links to both of these documents can be found below.
Background Information
The applicant is requesting approval of a Development Review Permit to construct a mixed use project, including 207 residential units and 36,500 square feet of commercial use in three buildings, with the following Exceptions to the Community Development Code standards:
- Residential uses on the ground floor in EC zone [LOC]
- Reduced amount of storefront glazing [LOC]
- Retail parking entrance on 1st Street [LOC]
- Shared private/public parking provided on-site [LOC 50.06.002]
The applicant also is requesting removal of 25 trees to accommodate the development.
See Notices/Announcements below for the April 15, 2015 Land Use Board of Appeals Ruling.
click here to go back to the development review commission decision, AUGUST, 2014
click here to go back to the first round of development review commission hearings, JAN/FEB, 2014
October 8, 2014
On Tuesday, October 7, the City Council adopted the Findings, Conclusion & Order granting final approval. The City Council Notice of Decision was mailed on Wednesday, October 8, 2014.
October 8, 2014
On Tuesday, October 7, the City Council adopted the Findings, Conclusion & Order granting final approval. The City Council Notice of Decision was mailed on Wednesday, October 8, 2014.
September 25, 2014
LU 13-0046 (Wizer Block) Appeal of the Development Review Commission (DRC) Decision. The City Council held public hearings on September 22, 23 and 24 to consider an appeal of the DRC’s denial of LU 13-0046 (Wizer Block), a request by Evergreen Group LLC for a Development Review Permit to construct a mixed-use project consisting of 201 residential units, 6 live/work units and 36,500 square feet of commercial use. The applicant also is requesting approval to remove 25 trees to accommodate the project.
After considerable deliberation, the Council decided to reverse the DRC’s decision and approve the project subject to the staff recommended conditions of approval as listed in the July 11, 2014, staff report.
Leslie Hamilton, Senior Planner