LU 18-0059: Community Development Code Amendments Establishing Incentives for Tree Preservation in the Lake Grove Village Center and West Lake Grove Overlay Districts
An ordinance amending Chapter 50 (Community Development Code) to establish incentives for tree preservation in the Lake Grove Village Center Overlay and the West Lake Grove Overlay; standardize tree terminology in the West Lake Grove Overlay; and identify design standards applicable to single-family, duplex and townhome development in the Lake Grove Village Center Overlay.
On February 19, 2019, the City Council made their final decision and adopted Ordinance 2803. The ordinance becomes effective on March 21, 2019. A link is available on this webpage under "Key Documents".
On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, the City Council held a public hearing and made a tentative decision to approve the proposed amendments with some modifications. The Council will make their final decision on February 19, 2019.
For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Anne-Marie Simpson,City Recorder at (503) 534-4225 or e-mail.
On Monday, January 14, the Planning Commission adopted the Findings, Conclusions and Order (final recommendation). A link to the adopted Findings is available below under "Key Documents."
The City Council public hearing is scheduled for February 5, 2019; public testimony will be accepted. For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225 or e-mail.
At its meeting on Monday, December 10, the Planning Commission reopened the public hearing due to procedural issues they became aware of after the hearing was closed on November 26 (Exhibit G-3). In addition, testimony received by staff prior to the hearing being closed was inadvertently omitted and has been added to the record (Exhibits G-2). The Commission deliberated and made a preliminary recommendation that the City Council approve the proposed amendments with the tree mitigation ratio set at the same ratio as the rest of the city (1 tree per 1 tree) except the minimum tree caliper of 3 inches in the Lake Grove Village Center (LGVC) be maintained.
The Findings, Conclusions and Order (the final recommendation) will be considered on January 14, 2019. The public testimony portion of the hearing has been closed and no further testimony will be accepted.
Visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the video.
At its meeting on Monday, November 26, the Planning Commission opened the public hearing; written testimony was received from one individual. The public testimony portion of the hearing was closed and the hearing was continued to the next meeting on December 10th for deliberations only. No additional testimony will be accepted.
Visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the video.
Scot Siegel, Director of Planning and Building Services, (503) 699-7474 or e-mail.