LU 19-0008: Community Development Code Amendments Related to Historic Preservation
The Department of Land Conservation and Development has amended its rules implementing Goal 5 to add protections to properties on the National Register that are not found in local land use codes. Recent amendments to the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-023-0200 Historic Resources (Rule), which establishes the rule for complying with Goal 5 for historic resources, requires updates to the Community Development Code (CDC) to ensure conformity with the new Goal 5 rules. Statewide Planning Goal 5 addresses Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic areas, and Open Spaces. A portion of Goal 5 provides the framework that local governments must follow in designating and protecting significant historic resources.
As a designated Certified Local Government (CLG), the City must meet certain qualifications to become and remain "certified" and thereby qualify to receive matching grants from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The SHPO Model Code identifies code provisions that are necessary to be in local land use code for the City to remain a CLG.
The Historic Resources Advisory Board (HRAB) has been working on a request for over a year to amend the Historic Preservation section (LOC 50.06.009) and other related code sections to add clarity to the land use procedures for historic preservation applications and relating to HRAB’s powers and duties.
The City Council public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, July 7, 2020; public testimony will be accepted. Information on how to testify remotely will be available on the City Council's meeting webpage at least six days prior to the hearing, click here. For more information regarding the Council's agenda, schedule and how to testify please contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225 or email.
At its meeting on Monday, June 8th, the Planning Commission adopted the Findings, Conclusions and Order (final recommendation). A link to the adopted Findings is available in the PUBLIC RECORDS FILE.
On Monday, February 24th, the Planning Commission held a public hearing. The hearing was opened and testimony was accepted. The Commission began deliberations which were continued to March 9, 2020, for staff to clarify the policy issues regarding non‐contributing resources in historic districts [LOC 50.06.009(7) Land Divisions Lot Line Adjustments and other Development in Historic Districts.] The Planning Commission will have further discussion about the new code section addressing Property Maintenance of Historic Landmark Structures (or Demolition by Neglect). The public testimony portion of the hearing has been closed.
The supplemental staff report is available in the "Public Records" file, click here.
To visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the agenda and video (when available), click here.
On Monday, February 24, 2020, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a request from the City of Lake Oswego for proposed amendments LOC 12.51.035, Historic Resources Advisory Board; LOC 50.01.001, Title and Purpose; LOC 50.01.003, Authority; LOC 50.06.009, Historic Preservation; LOC 50.07.001, Summary and Procedures; LOC 50.07.002, List of Decision Makers; LOC 50.07.003, Review Procedures; 50.07.004, Additional Submission Requirements; LOC 50.10.003, Definitions; and adding a new section in Chapter 45 of the Lake Oswego Building Code (45.14) adding new language to address demolition by neglect.
The public hearing notice is available in the "Public Records" file. The staff report will also be available in the "Public Records" file ten days prior to the hearing.
To visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the agenda and video (when available), click here.
Work Session #2
On Monday, October 14, 2019, the Commission will receive an update on the status of proposed amendments to the Community Development Code sections related to Historic Preservation and provide input on public outreach and citizen involvement that the Historic Resources Advisory Board (HRAB) and staff should complete prior to the public hearing.
Staff Memo, 09/30/19
To visit the meeting webpage and view the video when available, click here.
Work Session #1
The Commission will consider the scope of work and timeline for proposed text amendments to the Community Development Code sections related to Historic Preservation and the citizen involvement process.
Staff Memo, 03/01/19
To visit the meeting webpage and view the video, click here.
Paul Espe, Associate Planner, (503) 697-6577 or e-mail.