LU 19-0033: Community Development Code Annual Amendments (2019)
Code Maintenance amendments are those that correct or add cross-references, clarify existing standards, or update requirements based on changes to other codes (e.g., Tree Code, Building Code, etc.). The maintenance items generally do not involve policy considerations and include the following:
- Clarify Process for Replacing Certain Damaged Nonconforming Structures
- Accessory Dwelling Units (Compliance with HB 2001)
- Special Street Setback: Measuring Underlying Zone Setbacks For Required Yards
- Lake Grove Village Center (LGVC) – Lighting in Village Commons Area and Village Gathering Places
- LGVC – Tree Retention for Park Streetfront Environment
- Metro Code Reference/Street Connectivity Standards
- Lighting Standards Applicability
- Public Notice & Other Jurisdictions
- NA Appeal Documentation & Fee Waiver
- Minor Development Classification: School Facility Improvements w/ No Neighborhood Impacts
- Flag Lots & Access Lanes
- Design Variances in Downtown Redevelopment Design
- Definition: Floor Area/Excluded Projections
- Definitions: Lot Area or Lot Size & Lot Coverage – Gross Acreage
- Definitions: Caliper and DBH
- Accessory Dwelling Unit: Procedure & Definition Clarifications
- Term “Acreage”: Revise to Lot Area or Square Footage
Policy Amendments (LOC Chapters 50.06, 50.07, and 50.10)
- Roof Form Projections into Setback Planes
- Interior Side Yard Setback Plane & Steeply Down-Sloped Lots
- Storefront Fenestration (Windows & Doors) in the Clear & Objective Housing Standards, LGVC Overlay District, & WLG Design District
- Fire & Building Codes/DR Permits
- CUP Expiration/Extension/Abandonment
- Valet-Tandem Parking for Certain Types of Commercial Uses
Planning Commission: Adoption of Findings, Conclusion & Order- 11/27/19
At its meeting on Monday, November 25th, the Planning Commission adopted the Findings, Conclusions and Order (final recommendation). A link to the adopted Findings is available in the "Public Records" file.
The City Council public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, 2019; public testimony will be accepted. For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225 or email.
Project Update- 11/14/19
On November 13, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and heard testimony from 4 citizens. The Commission deliberated and made a preliminary recommendation that the City Council approve the proposed amendments as discussed during deliberations. The Commission is scheduled to consider adoption of the Findings, Conclusions and Order (final recommendation) at its meeting on November 25th.
Planning Commission Public Hearing- 11/13/19
The notice for the Planning Commission public hearing and the staff report are available in the "Public Records" file.
Work Session #2- 09/23/19
On Monday, September 23, 2019, the Commission will review proposed amendments and ask clarifying or background questions in preparation for the public hearing.
To view the Staff Memo, visit the "Public Records" file.
To visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the agenda and video.
Work Session #1- 06/28/19
On Monday, July 8, 2019, the Commission will hold a work session to review a list of potential amendments and provide input. Amendments were primarily identified by staff through use and application of the Code.
Staff Memo and attachments, 06/26/19
To visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the meeting video.
Johanna Hastay, Senior Planner, (503) 534-5740 or email.