LU 20-0015: Community Development Code Annual Amendments (2020)
Maintenance Amendments (LOC Chapters 50.03, 50.05, 50.06, 50.07, 50.08, 50.09 and 50.10)
Code Maintenance amendments are those that correct or add cross-references, clarify existing standards, or update requirements based on changes to other codes (e.g., Tree Code, Building Code, etc.). The maintenance items generally do not involve policy considerations and include the following:
- Clarify Platting Requirements and Expiration of Permits for Lot Line Adjustments and Resource Delineations [LOC and LOC]
- Allow RID Variances to the Long Wall Plane Standard [LOC and LOC]
- Change Sensitive Lands Protection Fence Height to Match Tree Protection Fence Height [LOC]
- Expand Utilities Exception in RP Districts to Include Replacement of Existing Utilities [LOC]
- Remove Obsolete Fence Complaint Abutting Owner Consent [LOC]
- Correct Reduction of Protected Riparian Areas (PRA) to reflect all sizes of PRAs [LOC]
- Allow Consistent Exterior Materials in the West Lake Grove Design District [LOC,k,ii(2), LOC and (c)(iv)]
- Clarify that Mitigation Requirements Apply to Resource Restoration resulting from a code violation [LOC]
- Require Pre-Application Conference for In-Stream Resource Enhancement Projects [LOC and (ii)]
- Provide a Clear and Objective Option for Creation of Flag Lot Access Lanes [LOC]
- Expand Provision for No Parking Requirement for Outdoor Restaurant Dining to Specialty Food Stores and Other Eating and Drinking Establishments [LOC, Table 50.06.002-3]
- Remove Obsolete Limit on Allowed Zones for Manufactured Homes [LOC]
- Modify Definitions of Net Developable Area and Density Transfer Area to Simplify Open Space and Density Calculations for Subdivisions Dedicating Land to the City [LOC]
- Remove Annual Reporting Requirement for Sensitive Lands Map Corrections [LOC]
- Calculate Bicycle Parking Requirements for Unlisted Uses Based on Most Similar Use [LOC]
- Clarify Definition of Undisturbed Slopes [LOC]
- Delete Obsolete ADU Parking Requirement [LOC 50.06.002-3]
- Adopt Fire Code requirements for Fire Hydrant Placement in New Development [LOC]
Policy Amendments (LOC Chapters 50.04 and 50.06)
The following amendments involve issues that require policy consideration:
- Prevent Driveway Approaches from extending in Front of Abutting Properties [LOC]
- Align Lot Coverage Calculation in the R-6 Zone with Other Residential Zones [LOC]
- Definitions: Add Cohousing to Multi-family Definition [LOC 50.10.003]
- Clarify Definitions of Community Institution and Institutional Use [LOC and LOC]
On 11/17/20, the CIty Council made their final decision and adopted Ordinance 2853. The ordinance becomes effective on December 17, 2020. A link to Ordinance 2853 is available in the Public Records file.
At its meeting on Monday, October 12th, the Planning Commission adopted the Findings, Conclusions and Order (final recommendation). A link to the adopted Findings is available in the Public Records file.
The City Council public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020; public testimony will be accepted. For more information regarding the Council's agenda and schedule, please contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225 or email.
Notices and hearing documents, can be found in the Public Records file.
Due to television broadcasing difficulties on Monday, September 14, this hearing was carried forward to the next Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, September 28.
The public hearing notice is available in the "Public Records" file. The staff report will also be available in the "Public Records" file ten days prior to the hearing.
To visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the agenda and video (when available), click here.
This meeting will be conducted virtually. All members of the Planning Commission are attending remotely and the City has made avenues available for the public to livestream this meeting. Instructions on how to comment and participate are provided in the notice
On Monday, September 14, 2020, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed amendments.
The public hearing notice is available in the "Public Records" file. The staff report will also be available in the "Public Records" file ten days prior to the hearing.
To visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the agenda and video (when available), click here.
This meeting will be conducted virtually. All members of the Planning Commission are attending remotely and the City has made avenues available for the public to livestream this meeting. Instructions on how to comment and participate are provided in the notice
The Planning Commission held work sessions on 07/13/20 and 08/10/20. Documents can be found in the Public Records File, click here. To view the meeting videos, visit the meeting webpages, click here.
Meetings will be conducted virtually. All members of the Planning Commission are attending remotely and the City has made avenues available for the public to livestream this meeting. Instructions on how to comment and participate in the meeting will be available on the agenda for the meeting. Meetings are also available to the public on the City's YouTube Channel, on the City's website, or on Tualatin Valley Community Television.
Ellen Davis, Associate Planner, (503) 635-0294 or email.
City Council Meeting - November 3, 2020