LU 20-0027: A request for a Development Review Permit to construction additions to the Tennis Center and modify the existing parking lot.

Project Background / Summary: 

A request for a Development Review Permit to construction additions to the Tennis Center and modify the existing parking lot.

Project Updates: 

Hearing Postponed
Due to Citywide Power and internet outages the February 17th DRC hearing was postponed and rescheduled to Monday, March 1st.

Hearing Continued
This hearing was continued from February 1, 2021. Any person may submit new written testimony until 5:00 PM on February 8th, written rebuttal to any new testimony received is due by 5:00 PM on February 10th. No new testimony or evidence may be submitted during the rebuttal period. No oral testimony will be taken for the February 17th hearing. 

Appeal of Staff Decision
On November 25, 2020, staff issued a Notice of Decision approving the requested tennis center improvements and tree removal. On December 9, 2020, the appellant, Michael Kohlhoff, filed a Notice of Intent to Appeal staff’s decision. A public hearing before the Development Review Commission is tentatively scheduled for February 1, 2021. A Notice of Public Hearing on Appeal will be mailed by January 12, 2021.

2900 Diane Drive
Lake Oswego, OR
Project Details
LU 20-0027
Bruce Powers- Lake Oswego Parks & Rec (O)/ Sean Barnett, AIA- Polymath Studio Architecture (A)
Project Contact: 

Johanna Hastay, AICP, Senior Planner

Tax Map/Lot: 
Hearing Date: 
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
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