LU 21-0037: A request for a minor variance to the street side yard setback to construct a new single-family dwelling.
A request for a minor variance to the street side yard setback to construct a new single-family dwelling.
The October 18, 2021, public hearing of the appeal of LU 21-0037 was dismissed on October 15, 2021, because the appellant, the Hallinan Heights Neighborhood Association, did not provide the required documentation of the NA Board appeal vote by the 5:00 pm deadline. Staff’s decision to approve the requested minor variance and tree removal, with conditions, stands. Please use the Public Record of File link to see the Notice of Public Hearing Dismissal for more information, and to access all other project documentation.
On September 3, 2021, staff issued a decision to approve the applicant’s request for a minor variance to the 15-foot street side yard setback and the removal of two trees to construct a new single-family dwelling. On September 17, 2021, during the 15-day appeal period, the Hallinan NA filed an appeal of this decision. A public hearing before the Development Review Commission will be scheduled. Information regarding the date, time, and location of the hearing will be posted to this webpage on September 28, 2021.
Johanna Hastay, Senior Planner