LU 21-0060: A request for a Development Review Permit for a minor park improvement to replace and enlarge an existing picnic shelter at George Rogers Park.

Project Background / Summary: 

A request for a Development Review Permit for a minor park improvement to replace and enlarge an existing picnic shelter at George Rogers Park.

Project Updates: 

December 8, 2021:
Staff’s decision to approve has been appealed. A hearing date has not yet been set, but a notice of public hearing will be mailed and posted on the webpage at least 20 days prior.

March 1, 2022:
Notice of Public Hearing- On Monday, March 21, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., the City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission will hold a public hearing. 

March 11, 2022:
Both appellants withdrew their appeal on March 11th; the public Hearing is cancelled. 

611 S. State Street
Lake Oswego, OR
Project Details
LU 21-0060
City of Lake Oswego- Jenny Anderson
Project Contact: 

Johanna Hastay, Senior Planner 

Tax Map/Lot: 
21E10DA 00100
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