Middle Housing StoryMap and Survey
The City has launched a Middle Housing StoryMap and Survey as a part of its continuing work to adopt codes that comply with House Bill 2001 and are consistent with the community’s sense of place, neighborhood character, and livability. The online survey will be available through the end of the year.
The StoryMap & Survey are in addition to the virtual Community Forum that will be conducted via Zoom on Thursday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. To register for the Community Forum, please click here.
These outreach efforts are designed to help citizens understand and provide input on the types of code changes the City is considering in order to comply with the middle housing requirements of HB 2001. Input will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council as the City proceeds with the development and refinement of code amendments for adoption in June 2022.
The Planning Commission will also be reviewing an initial set of code amendment concepts at an upcoming work session on Monday, December 13, at 6:30 p.m. The material for the meeting is now available online.
A second Community Forum to seek feedback from the community will take place before releasing proposed code amendments for review in public hearings. This forum is tentatively scheduled for February 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Erik Olson, Senior Planner, at eolson@lakeoswego.city.