Planning Commission and Development Review Commission Meetings to Resume Online in June

UPDATED:  MAY 20, 2020

Pursuant to the City Manager’s direction and Governor Brown’s COVID-19 “Safe Public Meetings and Continued Government Operations” Executive Order 20-16, the Lake Oswego Planning Commission and Development Review Commission, respectively, will resume meetings on June 8, 2020, and June 15, 2020, using electronic (online or telephone) means only; until further notice, there is no in-person attendance option due to State restrictions on public gatherings.

Executive Order 20-16, Part 2.a, “Public Meetings during the COVID-19 emergency period”:
The governing body of a public body ( as defined by ORS 192.610(3) and (4)) shall hold public meetings and hearings by telephone, video, or through some other electronic or virtual means, whenever possible. For all public meetings and hearings held by telephone, video, or through other electronic or virtual means, the public body shall make available a method by which the public can listen to or virtually attend the public meeting or hearing at the time it occurs, and the public body does not have to provide a physical space for the public to attend the meeting or hearing. This paragraph does not apply to executive sessions, as defined by ORS 192.610(2).

Neighborhood-Development Review Applicant Meetings
Effective immediately, the City of Lake Oswego will accept an online neighborhood meeting alternative to an in-person neighborhood meeting for purposes of filing development review applications. This is a temporary option for holding a required meeting and does not permanently replace any portion of the Community Development Code requirements for neighborhood meetings as required per LOC


For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at 503-635-0290, or