PP 22-0005: Housing Needs and Production Strategies
Pursuant to the City Council goal to, “Conserve the community’s quality of life by planning for growth and change,” and the initiative to, “Complete work on key housing initiatives, including HB 2003 compliance,” staff is now engaging in efforts to amend the City’s Comprehensive Plan in order to comply with the housing production strategy requirements of House Bill 2003 (HB 2003).
*Please note that the Housing Production Strategy is now being tracked as a land use case. Please visit the land use webpage for LU 24-0024 for more information.*
*For more information on the 2023 Housing Needs Analysis Update, please visit the land use webpage for LU 23-0023.*
HB 2003 was adopted by the Oregon Legislature in 2019, concurrently with House Bill 2001, in order to help local jurisdictions meet the housing needs of residents throughout the state. The bill requires Oregon cities with over 10,000 residents to both analyze the future housing needs of their residents through a Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) and to develop strategies designed to promote the development of such needed housing through a Housing Production Strategy (HPS). The bill also launched a prototype Regional Housing Needs Analysis (RHNA) in order to explore a statewide program where housing need is studied and addressed on a regional level; the RHNA program is still under development by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD).
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted Oregon Administrative Rules for HB 2003 (OAR 660-008-0045 through -0070) in November 2020. These rules established the components that are required to be included within an HPS Report, as well as the criteria for compliance for cities that do not meet their identified housing need.
The City is required to adopt an updated HNA by December 31, 2023, and must subsequently adopt an HPS within one year of the updated HNA’s adoption.
On June 21, 2022, the City Council directed staff to issue a request for proposals (RFP) to solicit consultant services to assist with this work, and committed to appoint an Ad-Hoc Task Force to provide high-level policy guidance to the Planning Commission and City Council as the City identifies critical housing needs and recommends strategies to address them, per the requirements of HB 2003. The Planning Commission held their first work session on this subject on June 27, 2022, in order to provide guidance to staff on the proposed work plan prior to issuing the RFP.
The City has since contracted with a consultant team led by MIG to conduct this work, and, on October 4, 2022, the City Council appointed an ad-hoc Housing Production Strategy Task Force (“Task Force”) to provide guidance to staff and the Planning Commission as the City proceeds with HB 2003 compliance.
City staff and the consultant team conducted outreach and community engagement related to the 2023 HNA from December 2022 through July 2023. This engagement occurred through several avenues and public events, including an Online Open House, a “Community Forum” event, two Planning Commission work sessions, two City Council study sessions, and three HPS Task Force meetings. These events helped to identify general themes and topics of discussion related to initial drafts of the HNA, with later revisions directly informed by the public input collected through these events and the direction provided by the Commission and City Council.
A public hearing to consider adoption of the updated HNA was held by the Planning Commission on August 28, 2023, and a subsequent hearing was held at the City Council on October 3, 2023. The 2023 Housing Needs Analysis was adopted by City Council on October 17, 2023.
The City is now required to adopt an HPS that documents the specific tools, actions, and policies that the City plans to take to address the housing need identified in the HNA prior to December 31, 2024.
Public engagement and outreach to identify and recommend an initial set of strategies for inclusion in the City’s HPS began in October 2023 and is still actively ongoing. So far, this has included presentations at the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board, the 50+ Advisory Board, the November 2023 Mayor’s Roundtable event, and the Fall 2023 Kruse Way Economic Forum, as well as three Planning Commission meetings, one City Council meeting, and four meetings of the HPS Task Force. A Community Forum event is planned for Thursday, March 14 – see below for more information – and a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council is scheduled for April 2.
A Planning Commission public hearing on the HPS is tentatively scheduled for September 9, with a subsequent City Council public hearing tentatively scheduled for October 15.
More detailed updates on this project are outlined below, under Project Updates.
09/09/2024 - Public Hearing
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed Housing Production Strategy. The public hearing notice and staff report are available in the Public Records Folder, Click here.
To visit the Planning Commission meeting webpage and view the agenda and video (when available), click here.
Instructions on how to comment and participate are provided in the notice.
The City Council is scheduled to hold a Study Session on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. Staff is seeking further direction regarding whether to include the Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption (MUPTE) and Homebuyer Opportunity Limited Tax Exemption (HOLTE) strategies in the City’s Housing Production Strategy (HPS) to meet the requirements of ORS 197A.100. To visit the City Council meeting webpage, use this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/citycouncil/city-council-meeting-27.
On June 24, 2024, the Planning Commission will hold Work Session #6, to review and provide input on the Draft Housing Production Strategy (HPS) prior to the public hearing tentatively scheduled for September 9.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc_pc/planning-commission-6.
The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force will meet on Friday, June 21, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., to
- Review the results of recent public engagement related to the initial strategy recommendations, including input received from members of the general public, the Planning Commission, and City Council.
- Finalize Task Force recommendations on the Draft Housing Production Strategy Report.
Please note that this meeting will be held via Zoom. Refer to the agenda for more information. The agenda and meeting material will be posted here one week prior to the meeting.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-meeting-8.
The City is now hosting an Online Open House for individuals who are not able to make it to the Community Forum event. The website for the Online Open House includes information on the recommended strategies as well as additional opportunities for public input through a series of survey questions. Click here to review the recommendations and let us know what you think!
The City will host a Housing Production Strategy Community Forum on Thursday, March 14th at 5:00 PM in order to provide information and receive public input on an initial set of strategies recommended for inclusion in the City’s Housing Production Strategy (HPS). As a reminder, the City is actively engaged in a multi-year project to develop an HPS that documents the specific tools, actions, and policies that the City plans to take to address our most critical housing needs.
For individuals who are not able to make it to the Community Forum event, the City will also be hosting an Online Open House that includes information on the recommended strategies as well as additional opportunities for public input (stay tuned for more).
On February 23, 2024 Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager met with the 50+ Advisory Board and answered the groups questions regarding Middle Housing and the various other housing projects happening in the City.
The agenda and meeting material can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc_fiftyplus/50-advisory-board-meeting-59.
The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force will meet on Friday, March 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., to continue their work providing high-level policy guidance to the Planning Commission and City Council related to housing needs and strategy recommendations.
Please note that this meeting will be held via Zoom. Refer to the agenda for more information. The agenda and meeting material will be posted here one week prior to the meeting.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-meeting-7.
The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force will meet on Friday, February 16th 2024, at 1:00 p.m., to continue their work providing high-level policy guidance to the Planning Commission and City Council related to housing needs and strategy recommendations.
Please note that this meeting will be held via Zoom. Refer to the agenda for more information. The agenda and meeting material will be posted here one week prior to the meeting.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-meeting-6.
On January 8, 2024, The Planning Commission received an update on the City’s work to develop a Housing Production Strategy (HPS), including the recent HPS Task Force meeting, and provided information on how Construction Excise Tax (CET) programs work.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc_pc/planning-commission-117.
The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force will meet on Friday, December 8, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., to continue their work providing high-level policy guidance to the Planning Commission and City Council related to housing needs and strategy recommendations.
Please note that this meeting will be held via Zoom. Refer to the agenda for more information. The agenda and meeting material will be posted here one week prior to the meeting.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-meeting-5
ON November 21, 2023, Jessica Numanoglu, Community Development Director and Erik Olson, Long Range Planning Manager met with the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory Board and answered the groups questions regarding Middle Housing and the various other housing projects happening in the City.
The agenda and meeting material can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc/dei-advisory-board/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-advisory-board-meeting-15.
On November 13, 2023, the Planning Commission will hold Work Session #4, with background about the Housing Production Strategy (HPS) requirements of House Bill 2003, including a summary of existing City policies and the highlights of recent stakeholder interviews on barriers to housing production. The Commission will then be asked to provide initial direction regarding which strategies the HPS Task Force should explore further as a part of the City’s work to develop an HPS.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc_pc/planning-commission-76.
The City Council is scheduled to hold a Study Session on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Staff is seeking initial direction on which strategies the Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force should analyze in more detail as a part of the City’s work to develop an HPS to meet the requirements of ORS 197.290 [House Bill 2003 (2019)]. To visit the City Council meeting webpage, use this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/citycouncil/city-council-and-redevelopment-agency-meeting-23.
The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force will meet on Friday, October 6, 2023, at 1:30 p.m., to continue their work providing high-level policy guidance to the Planning Commission and City Council related to housing needs and strategy recommendations.
Please note that this meeting will be held via Zoom. Refer to the agenda for more information. The agenda and meeting material will be posted here one week prior to the meeting.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-meeting-4
The HPS Task Force met on Friday, June 23, 2023, at 1:30 p.m., to review comments received during the first round of public engagement related to initial drafts of the BLI and HCA documents, review and provide input on revised drafts of the BLI and HCA, and receive a presentation with an introductory overview of Housing Production Strategy categories. This was an online-only meeting using Zoom.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-meeting-3
On May 22, 2023, the Commission received an update with a summary of comments received during the first round of public engagement related to updating the City’s HNA, as required under HB 2003.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc_pc/planning-commission-may-22-2023
On April 18, 2023, the City Council held their third work session on the project, where they received a presentation describing the initial drafts of two components of the City of Lake Oswego’s Housing Needs Analysis (HNA): the BLI and HCA. The presentation also included an update on recent public engagement, including the latest meeting of the HPS Task Force.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/citycouncil/city-council-meeting-5.
On April 10, 2023, the Planning Commission held Work Session #3, which included a presentation describing the initial drafts of two components of the City of Lake Oswego’s Housing Needs Analysis (HNA): the BLI and HCA. The presentation also included an update on recent public engagement, including the latest meeting of the HPS Task Force.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc_pc/planning-commission-64.
On April 6, 2023, the City hosted the Housing Needs Analysis Community Forum, thank you to everyone who joined us! The City also released an Online Open House explaining the information in the draft BLI and HCA documents, which allowed for public input from May 31 through April 21.
A video of the Community Forum can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/housing-needs-analysis-community-forum
On March 20, 2023, initial drafts of two components of the City of Lake Oswego’s Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) were made available for review:
- A Draft Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI), which identifies land that can be expected to provide residential capacity for the City of Lake Oswego in the next 20 years; and
- A Draft Housing Capacity Analysis (HCA), which outlines a forecast of housing need within the City of Lake Oswego during the same 20-year timeframe.
These drafts are a work in process – they will be refined with input from the Housing Production Strategy Task Force, Planning Commission, City Council, and other project stakeholders based on discussions over the course of the next few months.
After receiving feedback on the BLI and the HCA, the next step will be for the project team to conduct an analysis that compares the amount and type of land available for future residential uses with the amount and types of housing units needed by the City of Lake Oswego. The findings of this comparison will then form the basis of further work about the policies, programs, and actions that the City can consider to address its current and future housing needs.
The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force met on Friday, March 24, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., to review and provide input on initial drafts of the Housing Capacity Analysis and Residential Buildable Lands Inventory documents. This was an online-only meeting using Zoom.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-meeting-2.
On February 21, the City Council held their second study session to receive a presentation from staff and project consultants at MIG outlining the requirements of HB 2003 as related to updating the City’s HNA and developing an HPS. The presentation also outlined the proposed public involvement plan and included an update on the progress of the HPS Task Force.
On January 23 of this year, the Planning Commission held their second work session to receive a presentation from staff and project consultants at MIG outlining the requirements of HB 2003 as related to updating the City’s HNA and developing an HPS. The presentation also outlined the proposed public involvement plan and included an update on the progress of the HPS Task Force.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/boc_pc/planning-commission-232
The Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force held their first meeting on Friday, December 16, 2022, at 12:30 p.m., to establish the organization and management of the Task Force, receive an overview of House Bill 2003, and review the Task Force’s work plan. This was an online-only meeting using Zoom. The Task Force also adopted bylaws and elected Sarah Walker as Chair and John Turchi as Vice Chair at the meeting.
The agenda packet and meeting video can be found on the meeting webpage using this link: https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/hps-task-force-kickoff-meeting.
At their meeting on October 4, 2022, City Council adopted Resolution 22-30 to create an Ad Hoc Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force in order to provide guidance to staff and the Planning Commission as the City proceeds to identify critical housing needs and recommend strategies to address them, per the requirements of House Bill 2003.
The Task Force is also tasked with recommending outreach strategies, Comprehensive Plan amendments, or other actions to update the City’s Housing Needs Analysis and develop an HPS, consistent with previously-adopted City goals and initiatives related to housing. The Task Force’s work shall be accomplished in at least six regular meetings prior to June 2024.
For a list of Task Force members appointed by City Council, click here.
Applications for the Housing Production Strategy (HPS) Task Force closed on September 16 at 5:00pm. Thank you to all those who applied for the Task Force!
The City Council held a study session on June 21, 2022 in order to provide direction on a proposed work plan to comply with the requirements of HB 2003. The Planning Commission conducted a subsequent work session on HB 2003 on June 27th.
Stay informed on our latest news!

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