PP 15-0005: Uplands Neighborhood Plan and Overlay Code

The Uplands Neighborhood Association was selected by the Planning Commission to receive staff assistance in the development of a neighborhood plan.

The Uplands Neighborhood Plan, implementing Uplands R-10 Overlay District Code and Transportation System Plan (TSP) amendments were adopted by City Council on May 2, 2017 and become effective on June 1, 2017. 

*** Please see the webpage for LU 17-0001 for the most current information about this project. ***

Project Goals

The goal of the Plan and Overlay is to preserve and enhance the characteristics that make Uplands a neighborhood treasured by its residents. Based on neighborhood input and survey results, the plan outlines action steps to address compatibility of new residential development; surface water management; pedestrian safety; parks and more. The purpose of the the R-10 Overlay District code is to ensure that development in the Uplands R-10 zone promotes the desired character of the Uplands neighborhood, consistent with the neighborhood plan.

Planning Commission Work Session #4 – December 12, 2016

On December 12, 2016, the Planning Commission held Work Session #4, where the Uplands Planning Committee chair and staff presented the draft Uplands R-10 Overlay District code and revised draft Uplands Neighborhood Plan, and sought feedback from the Commission to prepare the drafts for public hearing.

November 2016 Update: Learn More about the Proposed Development Regulations

To help implement the neighborhood's land use objectives, described in the draft Neighborhood Plan, the Overlay code would apply to new residential development in the R-10 zone, and would change the existing regulations for flag lot development, front setback distances, amount of impervious surfaces, driveways, and building height. Once adopted by City Council, these new development regulations turn neighborhood preferences into criteria for making decisions on new development.

Click here to read the November 2016 Neighborhood Review Draft Uplands R-10 Overlay Code regulations, with explanatory text.

The Uplands R-10 Overlay Code would modify development regulations that address the following:

Yard Setbacks (non-flag lots):  Modifies front yard setback distance by applying new averaging methodology, which may require increased setbacks as compared to the base zone standard.

Flag Lots:  Limits the number of flag lots on a site, and modifies current flag lot standards with regard to access, setbacks and orientation (which were adopted in 2010 with Infill II code amendments).

Limitation on Impervious Surfaces:  Adds new standards to limit total impervious area. Adopts a standard similar to the impervious limits in the Glenmorrie and Lake Grove overlay districts, R-6 zone and Old Town Design District (R-DD), with the addition of a requirement specific to the front yard.

Structure Design (height standards):  Modifies one standard by prohibiting additional height (same as Evergreen proposal). A new or modified standard may address height on uphill homes.

On-site circulation – Driveways and Fire Access Roads: Modifies current standard by prohibiting more than one driveway access per lot frontage.


Planning Commission Work Session #3 – May 9, 2016

On May 9, 2016, the Planning Commission held Work Session #3, where the Uplands Neighborhood Planning Committee and staff discussed neighborhood zoning and right-of-way guidelines with the Commission.

Planning Commission Work Session #2 – March 28, 2016

On March 28, 2016, the Planning Commission held Work Session #2. The Uplands Neighborhood Planning Committee and staff reviewed code concepts for the Uplands R-10 Overlay District, and sought feedback from the Commission Commission to refine the concepts into draft code language.

Planning Commission Work Session #1 – November 9, 2015

On November 9, 2015, the Planning Commission held Work Session #1 to receive a progress report on the planning process, review the draft components completed to date, and provide direction on the plan contents and next steps.