Information and Resources
Police Call Response Map
We have created a tool with which you can see on a map where we have had calls for service. This tool does not include sensitive calls like domestic disturbances, sex crimes, suicides, etc. The map can be filtered to show all available call data or any combination of the included data, and the map is interactive. You can also select a date range to see more specific data as well. We believe this tool can help residents and others to understand the types of calls for service reported to the police in our community and to be aware of the types of incidents happening in their neighborhood.
There are instructions on the left side of the page (in the "Home" tab) for interacting with the map and for making queries.
To view the map, you can click on this link.
Police Public Records Request
To submit a request, please complete this online form.
Per state law, the City will follow response timelines set forth under ORS Ch. 192. Within five business days City staff will acknowledge receipt of your records request and advise of the custody status of the requested public record. If it is estimated that the fee to locate and make the records available for inspection and/or copying will exceed $25, you will be advised and a deposit of the estimated fee will be required before City records are searched and/or photocopied. No later than ten business days after the date the request is acknowledged by staff or the deposit, if required, is paid, whichever occurs later, City staff will complete its response to the public records request or provide a written statement that the City is still processing the request, along with a reasonable estimated date by which City staff expects to complete its response.
If any portion of the requested materials are not provided or are redacted, the requester may seek review of the City’s determination pursuant to ORS 192.450, 192.460, 192.465, 192.480 and 192.490.
FEES: Pre-payment is required. If the actual charges are less than the prepayment, an overpayment will be promptly refunded. Fees are set by the City's adopted Fees and Charges.
- Copy Fee (Documents) 1-10 pages $15, each additional page $0.25
- Copy Fee (911 Audio CDs) $50 per recording
- Copy Fee (Other Audio CDs) $50 for the first recording; $15 for each additional copy
- Clerical Research -- $25 per 15 minutes ($25 minimum) plus copy and material charges
- Copies of Photographs -- $1 per color print or $50 (for up to 30) prints burned to CD; plus $1 each thereafter
Ride-along Application
Are you interested in a career in law enforcement or are you curious about what our officers and community service officers do every day? You can submit a ride-along application and let us know you would like to ride with one of our team members. Please fill out both sides and sign the application, and then email it to or bring it to the police department in person. Once we receive your completed application, someone will contact you with more information.
Useful Phone Numbers
Mental Health | |
General Community Resources | 211 |
Clackamas County Crisis Line (24hr) | (503) 655-8585 |
Clackamas County Mental Health Urgent Walk-in Center | 11211 SE 82nd Ave, Suite O Happy Valley, OR 97086 |
National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) | (503) 344-8600 |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255) |
Clackamas County Housing Line | (503) 655-8575 |
Other Adult | |
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center (ACC) | (503) 635-3758 |
Clackamas County Adult Protective Service (APS) | (971) 673-6655 |
Clackamas County Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) | (503) 650-5622 |
Alzheimer's Association 24/7 Helpline | 1 (800) 872-3900 |
Senior Loneliness Line | (503) 200-1633 |
Domestic Violence | |
Clackamas County Victim's Assistance | (503) 655-8616 |
Clackamas Women's Services | (503) 654-2288 |
A Safe Place Family Justice Center | (503) 655-8600 |
Substance Use Issues | |
Clackamas County Crisis Line | (503) 655-8585 |
Clackamas County Alcohol & Drug Treatment Service (for self or others) | (503) 654-2288 |
Other Useful Numbers | |
Non-Emergency Dispatch | (503) 635-0238 |
Police Records | (503) 635-0250 |
Traffic Unit | (503) 635-0240 |
Municipal Court | (503) 635-0217 |
City Attorney | (503) 635-0225 |
Citizen Information Center | (503) 635-0257 |
Public Affairs | (503) 635-0257 |
Clackamas County Victim's Assistance | (503) 655-8616 |
Clackamas County District Attorney | (503) 655-8431 |
Multnomah County District Attorney | (503) 988-3162 |
Washington County District Attorney | (503) 846-8671 |
VINE | (877) 674-8463 |
Oregon Youth Authority | (503) 373-7205 |
Sex Offender Information | (800) 551-2934 |
Crime Victim's Compensation | (800) 503-7983 |
Oregon Legal Services | (503) 655-2518 |
Foreclosed and Abandoned Properties
AED locations on City properties
Alarm Permit Information
Bias-Based Policing Information
Block Party Permit Application
Business Information Packet
Lake Oswego Dog Rules & Reporting
DMV Forms & Publications
DMV Traffic Accident Report Form
Drug and Medicine Disposal
Film or Photo Permit Application
Fingerprinting Services
How to Avoid Scams
Identity Theft Resources
IRS Imposter Scams
Local Jail Information
Lake Oswego Municipal Court Information
Pay your ticket online
Public Alerts Program
Sex Offender Registration Information
Special Event Permit Application
Speed Reader Information and Requests
Vacation Information
Victim and Other Resources