Canines for Clean Water

With all of the dogs in Lake Oswego, there is the potential for several hundred tons of dog waste to be generated each year. While we love our canine friends, according to studies, about half of dog owners rarely or never pick up after their dogs. That means a lot of dog waste is finding its way into our waterways, because when it rains, dog waste gets washed down stormwater drains and into the nearest creek, river or lake.

This is bad for a variety of reasons:

  • Dog waste contains high levels of nutrients that contribute to toxic algal blooms and aquatic weeds in our waterways;
  • Toxic blooms and weeds harm the freshwater organisms that keep our watersheds healthy;
  • Dog waste can contain infectious roundworm eggs that can cause serious illnesses in humans.

So what can you do?  Join the Canines for Clean Water.  On behalf of your dog, take the pledge below.

Canines for Clean Water Pledge:

We, human and dog, pledge to keep our water clean by:

  • Staying on leash and on trails in natural areas
  • Scooping and disposing of waste in a garbage can
  • Avoiding contact with streams and wildlife
  • Remaining in off-leash boundaries when off-leash.

You can signal your commitment to clean water with a bandana and dog tags like the one Freyja is modeling.  Pledges are taken at the 2nd floor reception desk at City Hall.