Pavement Repair & Maintenance

Public Works Street Maintenance addresses Pot Hole Repair Requests, Pavement Markings, as well as Signs and Removal of Dead Animals in the public right of way. Please contact us at 503-635-0280 if you have any questions or need assistance.

Pot Hole Repair Requests

If you have a pothole on your street, please contact us to schedule a repair. Due to the small size of the maintenance crew, we are not always able to find all potholes or other street related problems. Please contact us at 503-635-0280 and we will gladly respond to pothole repairs and other minor road damage. You can also submit a request through our online citizen support center.  

Pavement Markings

The City contracts with Multnomah County to stripe the streets at least once per year. Arterials and other high volume roadways may be striped twice per year, depending upon wear and visibility of the striping. Crosswalks and other pavement markings are maintained on an as-needed basis. Contact us at 503-635-0280, if you have any questions about pavement markings.


Public Works Maintenance maintains all stop signs, street name signs, etc. within City limits except for along State Street, which is maintained by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

  • If you see any leaning, damaged or missing street signs please report them to Public Works Maintenance at 503-635-0280.
  • If there is overgrown vegetation that is blocking the line of sight for a street sign please report it to Public Works Maintenance for trimming. Please call 503-635-0280.

Removal of Dead Animals

Contact us at 503-635-0280 to report dead animals that are in the public right-of-way.


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