Public Works FAQ
When will the street sweeper be by?
As a rule, the downtown/commercial areas of the City are swept every other week. Curbed residential areas are swept as time allows. We generally try to sweep four to six times a year, more often during the fall and winter to remove leaves and icing sand. If your street needs sweeping, please call Maintenance at (503) 635-0280.
When will the City trim our brush?
The City does not trim trees or brush on private property.
In spring and summer, the City does try to control excessive brush growth at intersections which interferes with safe pedestrian and car traffic. We hire several part-time employees to help control costs for this program.
When will you fix the potholes/signs on my street?
Contact us with a particular problem area and we will schedule the work. It is not easy for the small crew in Street Maintenance to find all street-related problems (potholes, signage, brush, signal light malfunctions, etc.) and we depend on citizens to help us identify them. Call Maintenance with a description of the problem at (503) 635-0280.
When will you clean my catch basins?
Generally, catch basins are cleaned on a yearly basis. Along with an active street sweeping program, catch basins help prevent street debris and dirt from entering the storm drain system and waterways (the lake, rivers, and streams in the area).
Who maintains the detention facility behind my home?
City-owned detention facilities are inspected twice a year and scheduled for maintenance as required.
Who do I call to report possible illegal dumping down the storm drain?
Contact the City of Lake Oswego Stormwater Maintenance (503) 635-0280 or Lake Oswego Police Department (503) 635-0238.
Is blowing my grass or leaves into the street bad for water quality?
Yes. Grass and leaves blown into the street are washed away by storm water runoff into the storm water system. This storm water drains into local waterways, which create higher nitrogen levels and lower oxygen levels that can lead to dead fish and excessive algae growth.
What is my water pressure?
It depends. We can estimate your water pressure by calculation (your house elevation, subtracted from the elevation of the reservoir serving you, multiplied by 0.433), but we prefer to make a physical reading on site to ensure the most exact reading possible. Contact Water Maintenance to request this service (503) 635-0280.
Is there a charge to come out and check for a leak?
No. The City does not charge for this service. In fact, if you have any problems or questions regarding your water service, we want to hear from you. We depend on the help of citizens to keep the system running at its best!
When can I install water service at my new house?
If you require water service for new construction, give us the permit number, address, and location where you want the meter to be installed, and we will schedule the installation. Usually, new service can be installed within a week, but due to changing workloads it may take longer. Please give us as much notice as possible. If you would like your meter moved or raised, call (503) 635-0280 to evaluate your options and costs.
Is my drinking water safe?
Yes. The City of Lake Oswego is required to test the water monthly. If you have a particular concern, the City will test for copper/lead, purification, or mineral content at little or no cost. This can be arranged by contacting the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) at (503) 635-0394. Under unusual conditions (flood, spill in the river, etc.), the WTP will shut down and use water in storage until the treatment plant can produce high-quality water again. Under normal conditions, the plant can be shut down for up to two days with no service problems.
How much chlorine is in the water?
Call the Water Treatment Plant. Operators can be reached 24 hours a day at (503) 635-0394.